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Sunday, January 17, 2010

MGT501 Human Resource Management Solved MCQs 9

MGT501 MCQs Solved

161. An employee's identification with the company and agreement to the pursue the company's mission is termed:


a.  the hierarchy of needs.

b.  employment-at-will.

c.  employee commitment.

d.  employee assistance. 



162.  HR professionals can make a significant contribution to improved employee relations and a positive organizational culture by:


a.  serving as a linkage between employees and management during periods of organizational change. 

b.  distributing copies of the Worker Notification and Retraining Adjustment Act so as to improve organizational communication.

c.  dismissing employee grievances as counterproductive to organizational functioning.

d.  initiating frequent restructuring initiatives.



163.  HR efforts to create positive employee relations can be hindered by:


a.  negative managerial and supervisory philosophies.

b. federal and state workplace laws.

c.  the size of the company.

d.  location of the company.     



164.  Activities to encourage employee organizational commitment include all of the following EXCEPT:


a.  promote fair treatment.

b.  establish the value that people are important in the organization.

c.  encourage employees to develop to their full potential.

d.  abolish union activity. 




165.  Charges of unfair labor practices are filed with the:


a.  court of appeals in the location in which the company is headquartered.

b.  National Labor Relations Board.

c.  local police.

d.  National Guard.



166.  If an employee files an unfair labor practice charge against a company:


a.   the company can file a grievance against the employee.

b.   the company may not discriminate against the employee simply because of the filing.

c.   employers may decertify the union.

d.  the employee can be demoted, but not fired.



167.  Which of the following is FALSE with regard to unions?


a.  After a bargaining unit is established, employers may refuse to bargain with the union. 

b.  In the U.S., union membership has experienced an overall decline since the 1950s.

c.  Wages of union members are usually higher than those of nonunion members in the same industries.  

d.  Union workers generally enjoy better benefits packages than do non-union workers.



168.  Collective bargaining requires that union and management negotiate in all of the following areas EXCEPT:


a.  wages.

b.  hours of work.

c.  conditions of employment.

d.  stock options offered to management.  



169.  The most time-consuming strategy in negotiating a union contract is usually:


a.  the preparation phase prior to the negotiation.

b.  the examination of the current labor contract.

c.  the negotiation meeting.  .

d.  notifying employees that the contract has been ratified.



170.  All of the following are acceptable collective bargaining items EXCEPT:


a.  wages of hourly workers.

b.  the number of sick days employees may take in a given year.

c.  the number of paid holidays offered by the company. 

d.  the qualifications of members of the company's board of directors.



171.  A female manager who requires a male employee to go on a date with her in order for the employee to be considered for a promotion:


a.  may be engaging in quid pro quo sexual harassment. 

b.  is not engaging in unacceptable behavior, as only male employees can be found guilty of sexual harassment.

c.  may do so only in a union environment.

d.  is probably just joking, in an attempt to improve workplace relationships.


172.  A "decision-making leave" may be offered to employees as part of:


a.  the Family and Medical Leave Act.

b.  the Walsh-Healy Act.

c.  an  HMO health benefits package.

d.  an employee discipline process. 




173.  An employee discipline process that emphasizes harsher penalties for repeated infractions is called:


a.  progressive discipline. 

b.  employment-at-will.

c.  dismissal and termination.

d.  escalation of force.



174.  "Reasonable accommodation" by employers is specifically required by:


a.  most progressive discipline policies.

b.  the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

c.  the Americans with Disabilities Act.

d.  random drug testing policies.



175.  Of the following grounds for dismissal, which would likely be most difficult to prove?


a.  insubordination

b.  stealing

c.  chronic absenteeism

d.  poor quality work



176.  A more positive workplace can be created if managers and supervisors communicate to employees exactly what their jobs require in terms of performance.  This kind of communication is called:


a.  employee engagement.

b.  expectation clarity. 

c.  the discipline process.

d.  an exit survey.  




177.  A commonly used method of measuring employees' perceptions of fair treatment is:


a.  an employee opinion survey. 

b.  an examination of employee dismissal records.

c.  examining utilization records of employee assistance programs.

d.  examining absenteeism rates.



178.   A major indicator of management commitment to fair treatment in the workplace is:


a.  the degree to which employees feel they are able to participate in decisions that affect them.

b.  the frequency of employee social activities in the workplace.

c. the size of the workforce.

d.  the frequency of performance appraisal.



179.  Prior to beginning an employee discipline process, HR professionals should encourage managers to:


a.  give the employee a written warning.

b.  make sure the evidence supports the charge of wrongdoing.

c.  give the employee a verbal warning.

d.  conduct a formal employee performance appraisal.


180.   A conflict resolution technique in which a neutral third party attempts to assist the conflicting parties in reaching an agreement is:


a.  mediation. 

b.  cooperation.

c.  arbitration.

d.  dissolution.