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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MGT503 Principles of Management Solved MCQ Bank 2

Management Solved MCQ


26.        Which category of dominant work values is most likely to characterize a 55-year-old employee in the U.S.?

       a.  hard working, conservative, conforming; loyalty to the organization

       b.  team-orientated, honest, self-reliant, loyal to relationships.

       c.  success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority; loyalty to career - ans

       d.  work/life balance, team-oriented, dislike of rules; loyalty to relationships

       e.  confident, financial success, self-reliant but team-oriented; loyalty to both self and relationships


27.        The most recent entrants to the U.S. workforce are _____.

            a.  Veterans

            b.  Boomers

            c.  Nexters - ans

            d.  Xers

            e.  Traditionalists


28.        What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?

            a.  factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives

            b.  factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation - ans

            c.  factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience

            d.  factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values

            e.  factors in the senses, factors in the surroundings and factors in the lighting


29.        When individuals observe another person's behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. This phenomenon is most directly relevant to which of the following?

            a.  the Pygmalion effect

            b.  projection theory

            c.  attribution theory - ans

            d.  selective perception theory

            e.  expectancy theory


30.        Which of a manager's primary roles requires the manager to define an organization's goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving these goals and develop a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities?

            a.  controlling

            b.  planning - ans

            c.  staffing

            d.  coordinating

            e.  leading




31.        A committee is made up of 12 managers; three each from the sales, production, accounting and  

             human resources departments. They read a comprehensive study of the company they work for, and               are asked which of its recommendations are most important. In discussion they find that the  

             managers perceive that the most important recommendations are those concerning their own

             department. This finding is most likely the result of what type of bias?

            a.  selective perception - ans

            b.  halo effect

            c.  Pygmalion effect

            d.  self-serving bias

            e.  projection


32.        Which of the following is a strong indicator that interviewers often base their judgments on perception, rather than simply on the facts they are presented with?

a.    different interviewers often arrive at different conclusions about the same applicant - ans

b.    applicants who do not have any negative traits are viewed more highly than those with a mix of negative and positive traits

c.    ethnic profiling is often needed to sort out large numbers of applicants

d.    interviewers do not have recourse to objective measures in many cases

e.    experience shows that in many cases the best person is not hired for the job


33.        Which of the following is not an assumption of the rational decision-making model?

            a.  The decision maker is constrained by time and costs. - ans

            b.  The decision criteria are constant and the weights assigned to them are stable over time.

            c.  The decision maker can identify all the relevant criteria and can list all the viable alternatives.

            d.  The decision maker is aware of all the possible consequences of each alternative.

            e.  The decision maker is assumed to have complete information regarding the decision situation.


34.        In the following steps in decision making, which would come first?

            a.  Generate alternatives.

            b.  Identify criteria. - ans

            c.  Make a choice.

            d.  Implement the decision.

            e.  Assess the outcome.


35.        What segment of the three-component model of creativity  encompasses personality characteristics that are associated with imagination?

            a.  expertise

            b.  creative thinking skills - ans

            c.  intrinsic task motivation

            d.  intuition

            e.  realization


36.     Which of the following statements best describes the current status of Observational Behavior concepts?

            a.  They are based on universal truths.

            b.  They can be used to predict human behavior only if the situation is clearly specified. - ans

            c.  There is general consensus among OB researchers and scholars on the simple concepts that underlie most human behavior.

            d.  The cause-effect principles that tend to apply to all situations have been discovered.

            e.  Cause and effect relationships for most human behaviors have been isolated.


37.        Which of the following conditions would probably not lead to intuitive decision making?

            a.  Time is limited and there is pressure to come up with the right decision.

            b.  Facts don't clearly point the way to go.

            c.  There is a high level of certainty. - ans

            d.  There are several plausible solutions from which to choose.

            e.  People are feeling pressured to make a decision.


38.        What are the three key elements of motivation?

            a.  reactance, congruence and circumstance

            b.  interest, activity and reward

            c.  awareness, effort and outcome

            d.  stimulation, progress and achievement

            e.  intensity, direction and persistence - ans


39.        The most well-known theory of motivation is Abraham Maslow's _____.

a.    Theories X and Y

b.    Hierarchy of Needs - ans

c.    Two-factor Theory

d.    Motivator-Hygiene Theory

e.    Cognitive Evaluation Theory


40.        Which of the following were considered higher-order needs by Maslow?

            a.  physiological, safety, social

            b.  safety, social, esteem

            c.  esteem, self-actualization

            d.  social, esteem, self-actualization -ans

            e.  recognition, pay, admiration


41.        Who proposed a two-factor theory?

            a.  Maslow

            b.  McClelland

            c.  Surber

            d.  Alderfer

            e.  Herzberg - ans


42.        McClelland's theory of needs concentrates on which three needs?

            a.  achievement, realization and acceptance

            b.  achievement, power and affiliation - ans

            c.  power, acceptance and confirmation

            d.  affiliation, control and realization

            e.  control, status and relationships


43.        Jasmine is trying to gain control of her department. Although she will be greatly compensated if she achieves this aim, and will gain control over many subordinates, the main reason she is pursuing this position is that she thinks she can do the job better than her predecessors and wants people to know that this is so. What need would McClelland say primarily drives Jasmine in this case?

            a.  the need for control

            b.  the need for success - ans

            c.  the need for attainment

            d.  the need for influence

            e.  the need for power






44.        Cognitive evaluation theory suggests that which of the following would not serve to increase an employee's motivation?

            a.  base pay on performance - ans

            b.  praise good performance

            c.  make the work interesting

            d.  support employee development

            e.  make pay not contingent on performance


45.        Which of the following is not an ingredient common to all MBO programs?

            a.  an explicit time period

            b.  participative decision making.

            c.  consistent monetary rewards - ans

            d.  performance feedback

            e.  a known timeline


46.        Which of the following is likely to be least important in getting and keeping skilled employees in a time of labor shortages?

            a.  good wages and benefits

            b.  sophisticated recruitment and retention strategies

            c.  modified organizational practices to reflect needs of an older workforce

            d.  increasing the number of temporary and contract workers - ans

            e.  motivating younger workers who feel stuck when older colleagues don't retire


47.        In equity theory, individuals assess the _____.

            a.  cost-benefit ratio

            b.  efficiency-effectiveness trade-off

            c.  quantity-quality trade-off

            d.  outcome-input ratio - ans

            e.  pareto efficient outcome


48.        Which of the following is not true about referent comparisons in equity theory?

            a.  Both men and women prefer same-sex comparisons.

            b.  Employees in sex-segregated jobs use more cross-sex comparisons. - ans

            c.  Employees with long tenure rely more heavily on co-workers for comparisons.

            d.  Upper-level employees make more other-outside comparisons.

            e.  those with higher amounts of education tend to have better information about people in other organizations.


49.        What theory attempts to measure the strength of one's expectations and predict motivation?

            a.  Expectancy theory - ans

            b.  Equity theory

            c.  Goal setting theory

            d.  ERG theory

            e.  Surberist theory


50.        Which of the following statements about people with high self-esteem is correct?

            a.  They are less likely to take unpopular stands

            b.  They tend to be more satisfied with their jobs - ans

            c.  They are less likely to choose an unconventional job

            d.  They tend to be more concerned with pleasing others

            e.  They are over-confident.