Shared by محمد سلمان آصف <>
Circular letters are used:
Select correct option:
To send information to two people.
To send the same information to a number of people.
To communicate to other company.
To send information inside a company.
Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 08:38:00 AM ) Total Marks: 1
Complaint letter should be called----------------.
Select correct option:
Persuasive letters
Claim letter
Inquiry letters
Sales letters
Letter refusing adjustment is written when:
Select correct option:
The buyer is at fault.
The seller is at fault.
When the third party is at fault.
When nobody is at fault.
Task force is ------------- after solving a specific problem, assigned to them.
Select correct option:
Engaged to other problems.
Engaged to routine work.
Sent on leave
There are _____ basic parts of a formal report.
Select correct option:
Classification of Report is:
Select correct option:
Informal reports, Short reports
Formal reports ,Long reports
Formal or Informal reports , Short or Long Reports
Informal repots, Long repots
Which writing style characterizes the memos?
Select correct option:
Impersonal tone.
Informal reports are usually short messages with natural, casual use of language. The internal
memorandum generally can be described as an informal report.
- ----------- letter is the reply to complaint.
Select correct option:
An inquiry
An adjustment letter is the reply to a complaint (called a claim letter). In general, the best attitude is to give the customer the benefit of the doubt. Most persons are honest in their claims, and it is usually better to make the desired adjustment than to risk losing a customer
In claim letter the initial statement should contain:
Select correct option:
Good news.
Bad news.
Mixed news
The following organizational plan is suggested for answering claim letters.
A. Initial Statement of the Good News or Main Idea
1. State immediately your willingness to honour the reader's claim.
2. Accept your reader's account as entirely accurate unless good business reasons demand a different interpretation of some points.
3. Adopt a tone of consideration and courtesy; avoid being defensive.
4. Thank the reader for taking the time to write.
In circular letters personal interest is created by using the word -----------------.
Select correct option:
our customers
every body
dear customers
Minutes, which tell more of the 'story of what happened and who said what at a meeting are?
Select correct option:
Resolution minutes
Narrative minutes
Formal minutes
Informal minutes
Narrative Minutes( fuller picture & view)
Sometimes referred to as minutes of narration, narrative minutes tell more of the 'story of what happened and who said what at a meeting. The main points of the background and discussion leading to a decision are recorded, and
Another name of a synopsis is:
Select correct option:
Synopsis or Executive Summary
A synopsis is a brief overview (one page or less) of report's most important point. It is also called abstract. Executive summary is a fully developed mini version of the report and is comprehensive.
-----------are routine reports prepared at regular time interval-daily, weekly, monthly quarterly or annually.
Select correct option:
Periodic Reports
Formal Reports
Progress Reports
Conference Reports
Solicited Sales letters are written:
Select correct option:
In response to an inquiry.
To sell a product or service.
To persuade buyer to buy a product.
To increase marketing of a product.
There are -------- kinds of Sales letters.
Select correct option:
There are two kinds of sales letters:
(i) Solicited letter (the organization is invited to respond to sales messages.)
(ii) Unsolicited letter (the organization sends out uninvited messages to sell a product or service) Writing whatever type of sales letter, follow these principles.
Collection letter should be written with the assumption that most of the people will:
Select correct option:
Not pay.
Reports, which show "progress," accomplishments, or activities over time or at a given stage of a major assignment are known as -------------.
Select correct option:
Periodic Reports
Conference Reports
Progress Reports
Feasibility report
Progress reports show, "progress," accomplishments, or activity over time or at a given stage of a major assignment. The organizational plan is usually inductive, including topics similar to these.
The role of the Chairman as a Committee Member is:
Select correct option:
To monitor the financial activities
To coordinate the work of the committee. Leader, guide, umpire etc
To carry out the administrative work of the committee
To communicate positively.
Letter reports are of ----------- types:
Select correct option:
Letter reports are of two types:
1. Informational Letter Reports
2. Analytical Letter Reports
The place where we go to buy or sell commodities is commonly known as ______ .
Select correct option:
Weekly Market Report gives the condition of the commodities for the past ____.
Select correct option:
6 days
6 weeks
7 days
7 weeks
Weekly Market Report gives the condition of the commodities for the past six days. It contains closing rates of the last week, the opening rates of that week, the highest and lowest rates and the closing rates of that week. This report also determines the causes of variation in price and the expected price movement in the coming week. Business communities show a keen interest in such reports.
Collection letter should be:
Select correct option:
Collection letters, therefore, should be persuasive rather than forceful, firm rather than demanding. A fair and tactful letter gets better results than a sarcastic or abusive one. In fact, collection letters shluld be "youoriented"; courteous, considerate, and concerned about the customer's best
-------------- are usually short messages with natural, casual use of languag
Select correct option:
Formal reports
Informal reports
Short reports
Progress report
------------------------ include investigation of an issue or problem or Calculation of financial ratios of a company.
Select correct option:
Formal report
Analytical Letter Reports
Scientific Reports
Informational Letter Reports
Analytical Letter Reports
These include investigation of an issue or problem
• Calculation of financial ratios of a company in order to command on its financial
condition.(Format) A letter report is simply a report
Written summary of a meeting's business is called:
Select correct option: