- ACC501 Business Finance Papers (2)
- BNK601 Banking Laws and Practice Papers (1)
- BNK603 - Consumer Banking Papers (5)
- CS001 - VU Computer Proficiency License Papers (1)
- CS101 - Introduction to Computing Papers (38)
- CS201 - Introduction to Programming Papers (26)
- CS301 - Data Structure Papers (13)
- CS302 - Digital Logic Design Papers (8)
- CS304 - Object Oriented Programming Papers (8)
- CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Papers (7)
- CS402 - Theory of Automata Papers (4)
- CS403 - Database Management Systems Papers (16)
- CS408 - Human Computer Interaction Papers (2)
- CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture Papers (4)
- CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms Papers (2)
- CS504 - Software Engineering Papers (9)
- CS506 - Web Design and Development Papers (4)
- CS507 - Information Systems Papers (36)
- CS601 - Data Communication Papers (8)
- CS602 - Computer Graphics Papers (1)
- CS604 Operating Systems Papers (5)
- CS605 - Software Engineering Papers (5)
- CS606 - Compiler Construction Papers (1)
- CS607 - Artificial Intelligence Papers (4)
- CS609 - System Programming Papers (1)
- CS610 - Computer Network Papers (15)
- CS614 - Data Warehousing Papers (4)
- CS615 - Software Project Management Papers (4)
- ECO401 - Economics Papers (50)
- ECO403 - Macro Economics Papers (1)
- ENG101 - English Comprehension Papers (7)
- ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing Papers (8)
- ENG301 - Business Communication Papers (41)
- FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis Papers (15)
- FIN622 - Corporate Finance Papers (13)
- FIN623 - Taxation Management papers (21)
- FIN625 - BNK625 - Credit and Risk Management Papers (5)
- FIN630 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Papers (18)
- HRM624 - Conflict Management papers (1)
- HRM627 - Human Resource Development Papers (4)
- ISL201 - Islamic Studies Papers (11)
- IT430 - E-Commerce Papers (38)
- MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication Papers (3)
- MCM301 - Communication skills Papers (11)
- MGMT611 - HRM611 - Human Relations Papers (4)
- MGMT623 - Leadership and Team Management Papers (2)
- MGMT625 - HRM625 - Change Management Papers (5)
- MGMT628 - HRM628 - Organizational Development Papers (4)
- MGMT630 - Knowledge Management Papers (3)
- MGT101 - Financial Accounting Papers (48)
- MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration Papers (6)
- MGT201 - Financial Management Papers (30)
- MGT211 - Introduction To Business Papers (3)
- MGT301 - Principles of Marketing Papers (52)
- MGT401 - Financial Accounting II Papers (2)
- MGT402 - Cost and Management Accounting Papers (33)
- MGT411 - Money and Banking Papers (38)
- MGT501 - Human Resource Management Papers (29)
- MGT502 - Organizational Behavior Papers (38)
- MGT503 - Principles of Management Papers (35)
- MGT510 - MGMT510 - Total Quality Management Papers (2)
- MGT602 - Entrepreneurship Papers (33)
- MGT603 - Strategic Management Papers (24)
- MGT604 - BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions Papers (2)
- MGT613 - Production Management - Operations Management Papers (25)
- MKT501 - Marketing Management Papers (24)
- MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management Papers (2)
- MKT624 - Brand Management Papers (5)
- MKT630 - International Marketing Papers (3)
- MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry Papers (2)
- MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics Papers (2)
- MTH301- Calculus II Papers (3)
- MTH302 - Business Mathematics and Statistics Papers (25)
- MTH603 - Numerical Analysis Papers (1)
- PAK301- Pakistan Studies Papers (2)
- PHY101- Physics Papers (5)
- PHY301 - Circuit Theory Papers (3)
- PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology Papers (1)
- SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology Papers (5)
- STA301 - Statistics and Probability Papers (6)
- STA630 - Research Methods Papers (25)
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