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Saturday, April 24, 2010

CS101 Solved MCQ 100%

1.  In java script cookies can be created for future use_____.

a)      Easily

b)      No facility at all

c)      This is not possible without Java language.

d)     Cookies are files so java script can not handle it.
Cookies can also be set by JavaScript or similar scripts running within the browser. In JavaScript, the object document.cookie is used for this purpose. For example, the instruction document.cookie = "temperature=20" creates a cookie of name temperature and value 20.

2.  The first spread sheet program was invented by

        Charles Babbage

        Dan Bricklin

        Paul Graham

        John von Neumann

The very first spreadsheet was developed (or invented) by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston called VisiCalc

3.  In which case Cache Memory is used

a)      To increase RAM speed

b)      To overcome BUS speed

c)      To overcome Speed rate between RAM and CPU

d)     To overcome CPU speed


CPU cache is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from the most frequently used main memory locations

4.  Human are better than computers at:



        Pattern recognition

        None of the given choices