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Monday, April 26, 2010



1.                  Key issues in inspection include where to inspect, how often to inspect and whether to inspect on site or in a lab.

2.                  Total Quality Management TQM has two important aspects first being problem solving and second being process improvement

3.                  Sampling Plans specify lot size, sample size, number of samples and acceptance/rejection criteria.

4.                  Aggregate planning establishes general level of employment, output and inventories for periods of 2 to 12 Months.

5.                  Master schedule is prepared by desegregating the Aggregate Plan.

6.                  Inventory levels must be carefully planned in order to balance the Holding Costs of inventory and cost of providing levels of customer service

7.                  Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) make use of the same set of assumptions except orders are received incrementally during production. .

8.                  To be successful MRP requires a computer program, accurate master schedule, bills of material, and inventory data.

9.                  Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are natural extensions of MRP, which cover broader scopes as well as Supply Chain Managements.

10.              Process Layouts group similar activities into departments or other work centers.