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Monday, April 26, 2010


1.                  Which of the following activities is unnecessary ,when an organization decides to design its new product or service or refine its existing product or service:

a         Translate customer wants and needs into product and service requirements

b        Refine existing products and services

c         Develop new products and services

d        Manage the purchasing activities religiously and diligently.


2.                  While focusing on capacity planning, organizations look for which of the following alternatives.

a.      How much will it cost

b.      How much holidays the workers can enjoy.

c.       How much compensation they need to pay to their CEO.

d.      None of the above


3.                  Which of the following is not one of the assumptions for Cost Volume Analysis

a.      One product is not involved

b.      Everything produced can be sold

c.       Variable cost per unit is the same regardless of volume

d.      Fixed costs do not change with volume



4.                  Which of the following does not fall under Economic Production Quantity ( EPQ)

a.      Only two or more item are involved

b.      Annual demand is known

c.       Usage rate is constant

d.      Usage occurs continually


5.                  Advantages of Process Layout Include

a.      Equipment used is less costly

b.      Low unit cost.

c.       Labor specialization.

d.      Low material handling cost


6.                  Common types of Operations include

a.       Continuous Processing.

b.      Intermittent Processing.

c.       Automation

d.      All of the above


7.                  System performance is measured by

a.       Average number of customers being refused service

b.      Average time customers wait

c.       System utilization

d.       b and c.

8.                  Inventory carrying costs are influenced by:

a.       Order Quantity in Units

b.      Holding carrying cost per unit.

c.       Demand

d.      a and b only.


9.                  Bar coding helps in determining the :

a.       Status of the inventory of an item in warehouse

b.      Price of the product

c.       Size of the lot as well as the size and specifications of the product

d.      All of the above


10.              Therbligs are basic elemental motions which include:

a.       Search

b.      Select

c.       Throw

d.      a and b only