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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGT602_Online_Quiz# 5



1.  The _______ plan shows whether the business is economically feasible or not.

a.  Financial

b.  Business

c.  Economic

d.  Marketing


2.  In which of the following, the ownership of venture is reflected by ownership of

shares of stock?

a.  Partnership

b.  Limited partnership

c.  Corporation

d.  Proprietorship


3.  Bankers say that most businesses fail because of the _____ inability to plan


a.  Investor's

b.  Marketer's

c.  Entrepreneur's

d.  Consultant's


4.  The _________ of a venture could be that the company has experience in related


a.  Strength

b.  Weakness

c.  Opportunity

d.  Threat


5.  The marketing plan should focus on strategies and for the first year, goals and

strategies should be projected __________.

a.  Daily

b.  Weekly

c.  Monthly

d.  Quarterly


6.  Which of the following is not a characteristic of marketing plan?

a.  It should provide a strategy to accomplish the company mission

b.  It should provide for the use of existing resources

c.  It should be simple and short

d.  It should be rigid


7.  Secondary data can be obtained from all of the following sources, except:

a.  Internet

b.  Magazine

c.  Bureau of statistics

d.  Focus group


8.  Which of the following is one of the simplest form and lowest in entry costs.

a.  Direct mail marketing

b.  Online marketing

c.  Sales promotion

d.  Export marketing



9.  In ________, the death of entrepreneur results in the termination of venture. 

a.  Proprietorship

b.  Limited company

c.  Limited partnership

d.  Corporation


10. In partnership, the ability to raise capital depends on the __________ of the


a.  Expansion

b.  Success

c.  Size

d.  Nature

MBA 3rd Sem