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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGt602_quiz_6 to 10

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Lesson no 6 to 10





1-        Many companies are attemptin to create the same----- of entrepreneurship in the oranization.


A   spirit

B culture

C reward

D all


2-        The typical ---- has  a climate and reward system that favors conservative decision makin.


a) entrepreneurial process

b) opportunity identification

c) entrepreneurial culture

d) corporate culture


3-        there is/are individual characteristic(s) neede for a person to be successful entrepreneurs,


a) understandin the environment

b)bein visionary and flexible

c) creatin manaement options

d) all


4-       Without ---- commitment, the oranization will never be able to make the necessary chanes.


a) top manaement

b) upper manaement

c) middle manaement

d)  all


5-        with ---------- cut backs, more control has been iven to lower levels of the oranization.


a) top manaement

b) upper manaement

c) middle manaement

d) lower manaement


6 -       Women are now startin new ventures at ----- time(s) the rate of men.


a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four


7-       ---------- are motivated by the drive to control their own destinies,  -------- tend to be more motivated by the need for achievement arisin from job frustration.


a) men, women

b) women, men

c) none of the iven option


8  -     A/an ----------, an individual who creates somethin for the first time, is a hihly driven individual motivated by his or her own work and personal ideas.


a) entrepreneur

b) inventor


d) investor


9-        an entrepreneur falls in love with the new---------


a) industry

b) invention

c)  venture

d)  none


10-    what causes people to do somethin:


a) motivations

b) need for achievement

c)  need for independence

d all of the above

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