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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGT602_Online_Quiz# 6

Entrepreneurship (MGT602)
Quiz # 2
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1.         In brainstorming


No criticism is allowed

Quantity of ideas is desired

None of the mentioned options

Both of the mentioned options


2.         A technique that asks questions about objects or ideas in an effort to develop a new idea is



Matrix charting

Forced relationships

Attribute listing


3.         The solution development is


Big-Dream approach

Parameter Analysis

Creative synthesis

None of the above


4.         Perceived benefits /risks involve the following factors:


Utility to customer

Consumption habits

Buying motives

All of the above


5.         A patent is


            A document between government and an inventor

            Grants holder protection from others making, using, or selling similar idea

A public domain

None of the above


6.         -------------------------------------------- uses individuals in a manner that is analogous to focus groups to generate new product ideas.


Problem inventory analysis


7.         A ----------------------------- leads a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion.





8.         -----------------------------, --------------------------- and ----------------------------- should be evaluated fro both the concept being studied and any major competing products.


Features, price, and promotion


9.         In evaluation process, the -----------------------------------------------, provides actual sales results, which indicate the acceptance level of consumers.


Test marketing stage


10.       The ------------------------------------- technique develops methods for maximizing value to the entrepreneur and the new venture.


Value analysis



Entrepreneurship(MGT 602)

Quiz 03


1.         Marketing mix includes:


            Product or service






2.         Which of the following statement is true for tax advantage of proprietorship?


            There is double tax on profits

            There is no capital stock tax or penalty for re tained earnings

            Both of the options given

            None of the options given



3.         Industry analysis should include information on:


Market size of competitor's product

Growth rate of suppliers

New products entry

Economic conditions



4.         We need to update the business plan because…………


Environmental factors and internal factors can change the direction of the plan

Goals set by the entrepreneurs may be unreasonable.

Goals may not be measurable.

Goals may not be specific



5.         Marketing research involves the gathering of data in order to determine information as:


Who will buy the product?

            What price should be charged?

            What is the most effective promotion strategy?

All of the mentioned options



6.         The marketing plan describes how the products will be distributed, priced, and promoted?






7.         The marketing plan should be a superficial document.






8.         The LLC is similar to an S corporation, but is more flexible






9.         The entrepreneur should have a good idea of who the customer or target market will be:






10.       The organizational plan section should not describe the venture's form of ownership





Entrepreneurship(MGT 602)

Quiz 04


1.         The most often used type of funds is


Inter nally gener ated funds

Externally generated funds

Commercial bank funds

None of the mentioned options



2.         Which of the following is not type of Bank Loans?


Inventory loans

Accounts payable loans

Equipment loans

Real estate loans



3.         Conventional bank loans include:


Lines of credit

In stallment loans

Straight com mercial loans

All of the mentioned options



4.         When an entrepreneur is unable to secure a regular com mercial bank loan, an alternative is a:


Small and medium enterprise loan

Character loan

Small Business Ad ministration (SBA) Guaranty Loan

Equipment loan



5.         Installment loans can be obtained by a going ven ture with a track record of:


Sales and profits


Supplier's chain

All of the mentioned options


6.         The financial plan provides the long term basis for budgeting and helps prevent a common problem-lack of cash.






7.         Cash flow is not the same as profit






8.         The most often used type of funds is inter nally gener ated funds






9.         Inventory is often a basis for a loan, par ticularly when inventory is not liquid






10.       The loan application format is generally a "mini" busi ness plan




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