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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGT602_Quize_1 to 5

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1 The term entrepreneur came from:

a)  Latin

b) French

c) English (UK)

d) none of the given option


2 The term entrepreneur is translated as:

a)   between-giver

b)    between-taker

c)    receiver

d)    giver


3   The period in which the money person entered into a contract with the go-between to sell his goods is known as :

a)   middle aes

b)   18th century

c)   17th century

d)    earliest period


4   ----------viewed the entrepreneur as a risk taker who "buy(s) at an uncertain price, therefore operating at a risk"

a)   Eli Whitney

b)    Edward hariman

c)     Richard cantillon

d)     Thomas Edison 

5        a --------- is a professional money manager who makes risk investment from a pool of equity capital to obtain a high rate of return on investments

a )  venture capitalist

b)   entrepreneur

c)   businessman

d)  buyer

6- In the ---------- century, the notion of an entrepreneur as an innovator was established.

a)   17th century

b)   late 19th century

c)   middle of the 20th century

d)  18th century

7-In almost all definitions of entrepreneurship there is agreement that we are talking about a kind of  behavior that includes:

a)   initiative taking

b the organizing and reorganizing or social/economic mechanisms to turn resources and situations to practical account.

c) the acceptance of risk or failure

d)   all of the given option


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