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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGT602_Quiz_11 to 16

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Lesson no 11 to 16


1        -------- is the process of an entrepreneur conductin business activities across national boundaries.


A national entrepreneurship

B international entrepreneurship

C both a and b

D non of the iven option


2        an entrepreneur is concerned about the same basic issue(s)


a sales

b costs

c profits

d all


3        countrie's ------------affects the valuation of its currency.


A economics

B culture and traditions

C balance of payments

technoloical environment



4        laws overnin business arranements also vary reatly in the ----- different leal systems and sets of national laws.


A 150

B 50

C 100

D 95


5        to understand what is required for effective planninreportin and control the entrepreneur should consider:


a environment analysis

strateic plannin

operatin plannin

d all


6        lesser-developed countries are able to obtain manufacturin technoloy without surrenderin economic control throuh------------.



B turn key projects

C direct forein investment

D direct exportin


7        a ------------ is the combination of two firms that produce closely related projects in the same area.


A product extension merer

B vertical merer

C horizontal merer

D diversified activity merer


8        the ----- method for eneratin new ideas is based on the fact that people can be stimulated to reater creativity by meetinwith others and participatin with oranized roup experiences.



B focus roup

C problem inventory analysis

D non


9        ------------ is a creative process that forces individuals to solve problems throuh one of four analysis mechanisms: personal, direct, symbolic and fantasy.


ordon method

B checklist method





10    ----------- method is a method of developin new ideas when the individuals are unaware of the problem.



ordon method

C reverse brainstormin

D matrix chartin






Lesson no 17 to 22


1        followin is/are the factor(s) that facilitate the rowth of e-commerce are:


a  the widespread use of personal computers

b  the adoption of intranets in companies

c  the acceptance of the internet as a business communications platform

d all



2        the product life cycle is enerally divided into the followin stae(s):


a product introduction

b  market rowth and maturity

c  sales decline

d all


3        the entrepreneur should first file a -------------- to establish a date of conception


a the patent application

b  the disclosure document

c  patent infrinement

d non



4        a --------- must have become distinctive and ained reconition before it can be reistered.


A arbitrary mark

suestive mark

C descriptive mark

D trade mark



5        a ------------- protects oriinal works of authorship.


A trade marks

B trade secrets


D all


6        the consumer product safety Act, passed in---------


a 1986

b 1972

c 1970

d 1965


7        common types of insurance include:


a property insurance

b  casualty and life insurance

c  bondin

d all



8        insurance companies calculate the premium for workers' compensation as a percentae of:



b  type of business

c  prior claim

d  all



9        the perspective(s) need to be considered in the business plan is/are:


a  entrepreneur

b  investor

c  marketin perspective

d  all



10    the -------- provides a brief summary of the business plan's contents.


A executive summary

B  introductory pae

C  environmental and industry analysis

D  description of the venture


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