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Thursday, December 31, 2009

MGT602_Online_Quiz # 7


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1.         What causes people to do something?


Need for achievement

Need for independence


None of the mentioned options


2.         Individuals who help the entrepreneur in business activities


Role models

Professional-support network


None of the mentioned options


3.         The managers in an organization strongly supporting intrapreneurship is called -----------------------


Top management commitment

Upper management commitment

Lower management intrapreneur

Upper management intrapreneur


4.         ------------- involves a manufacturer giving a foreign manufacturer the right to use a patent, trademark or technology in return for a royalty



Turn-key projects

Management contracts

None of the mentioned options


5.         Female entrepreneurs differ in terms of --------------------, -----------------------, and ---------------------------



Business skills

Occupational background


6.         In terms of ------------------------------, most entrepreneurs initiate their entrepreneurial careers between the ages of 22 and 45.


Chronological age


7.         Creativity tends to decrease with age and education





8.         Arriving activity occurring when the venture is started





9.         The creator is an individual who creates something new





10.       An attribute indicating the sense of control that a person has over life is called locus of control





5)      In chronological age , most entrepreneurs start their careers between ages

a)      22 and 55

b)      30 and 55

c)      40 and 65

d)      None of the given options


6)      ___________________ is the combination of at least two firms doing similar businesses at the same market level.

a)      Diversified activity Merger

b)      Horizontal Merger

c)      Joint Venture

d)      Vertical Merger




7)      Which of the following is NOT recognized as a misconception about entrepreneurship?  


a) Entrepreneurship is found only is small businesses.

b) Entrepreneurship is easy.

c) Successful entrepreneurship needs only a great idea.

d) Entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses are different


9) All of the following are recognized as potential sources of entrepreneurial ideas EXCEPT:  

a) Work experiences, skills, and abilities

b) Familiar and unfamiliar products and services

c) Personal interests or hobbies

d) All of the selections are recognized as potential sources of entrepreneurial ideas.


10) An _______________________ is an individual who creates something for the first time, is a highly driven individual motivated by his or her own work and personal ideas.

a) Entrepreneur

b) Inventor

c) Both a and b

d) None of the given options

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