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Monday, January 25, 2010

ECO401 Economics Solved MCQs 2

Shared by Tariq Mahmood<>

Unit 11

Top of Form

Question 1

Firms in perfect competition face a:

a) Perfectly elastic demand curve

b) Perfectly inelastic demand curve

c) Perfectly elastic supply curve

d) Perfectly inelastic supply curve

Question 2

In perfect competition:

a) The price equals the marginal revenue

b) The price equals the average variable cost

c) The fixed cost equals the variable costs

d) The price equals the total costs

Question 3

A profit maximising firm in perfect competition produces where:

a) Total revenue is maximised

b) Marginal revenue equals zero

c) Marginal revenue equals marginal cost

d) Marginal revenue equals average cost

Question 4

In perfect competition:

a) The products firm offer are very similar

b) Products are heavily differentiated

c) A few firms dominate the market

d) Consumers have limited information

Question 5

In the long run in perfect competition:

a) The price equals the total revenue

b) Firms are allocatively inefficient

c) Firms are productively efficient

d) The price equals total cost

In perfect competition:

a) Short run abnormal profits are competed away by firms leaving the industry

b) Short run abnormal profits are competed away by firms entering the industry

c) Short run abnormal profits are competed away by the government

d) Short run abnormal profits are competed away by greater advertising

Question 7

In perfect competition:

a) A few firms dominate the industry

b) Firms are price makers

c) There are many buyers but few sellers

d) There are many buyers and sellers

Question 8

In the short run firms in perfect competition will still produce provided:

a) The price covers average variable cost

b) The price covers variable cost

c) The price covers average fixed cost

d) The price covers fixed costs

Question 9

In the long run in perfect competition:

a) Price = average cost = marginal cost

b) Price = average cost = total cost

c) Price = marginal revenue = total cost

d) Total revenue = total variable cost

Question 10

For a perfectly competitive firm:

a) Price equals marginal revenue

b) Price is greater than marginal revenue

c) Price equals total revenue

d) Price equals total cost

Unit 12

Top of Form

Question 1

X inefficiency occurs when:

a) The price is greater than the marginal cost

b) The price is greater than the average cost

c) Costs are higher than they could be due to a lack of competitive pressure

d) There are external costs

Question 2

The marginal revenue curve in monopoly:

a) Equals the demand curve

b) Is parallel with the demand curve

c) Lies below and converges with the demand curve

d) Lies below and diverges from the demand curve

Question 3

In monopoly when abnormal profits are made:

a) The price set is greater than the marginal cost

b) The price is less than the average cost

c) The average revenue equals the marginal cost

d) Revenue equals total cost

Question 4

In monopoly in long run equilibrium:

a) The firm is productively efficient

b) The firm is allocatively inefficient

c) The firm produces where marginal cost is less than marginal revenue

d) The firm produces at the socially optimal level

Question 5

Barriers to entry do not include

a) Patents

b) Internal economies of scale

c) Mobility of resources

d) High investment costs

Question 6

In a monopoly which of the following is not true?

a) Products are differentiated

b) There is freedom of entry and exit into the industry in the long run

c) The firm is a price taker

d) There is one main seller

Question 7

In monopoly which of the following is true?

a) There are many buyers and sellers

b) There is one main buyer

c) There is one main seller

d) The actions of one firm do not affect the market price and quantity

Question 8

According to Schumpeter:

a) Monopolies are inefficient

b) Monopoly profits act as an incentive for innovation

c) Monopolies are alocatively efficient

d) Monopolies are productively efficient

Question 9

A welfare loss occurs in monopoly where:

a) The price is greater than the marginal cost

b) The price is greater than the marginal benefit

c) The price is greater than the average revenue

d) The price is greater than the marginal revenue

Question 10

In the UK the government:

a) Bans monopolies

b) Fines all monopolies

c) Prevents firms acquiring more than 25% of the market

d) Has the right to investigate monopolies and will assess each one on its own merits

Unit 13

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Question 1

If a few firms dominate an industry the market is known as:

a) Monopolistic competition

b) Competitively monopolistic

c) Duopoly

d) Oligopoly

Question 2

In a cartel member firms may be given a fixed amount to produce. This is called a:

a) Limit

b) Factor

c) Quota

d) Quotient

Question 3

In the Kinked Demand Curve theory it is assumed that:

a) An increase in price by the firm is not followed by others

b) An increase in price by the firm is followed by others

c) A decrease in price by the firm is followed by others

d) Firms collude to fix the price

Question 4

The Kinked Demand Curve theory assumes:

a) Firms cooperate

b) Firms act as part of a cartel

c) Firms are competitive

d) Firms are not profit maximisers

Question 5

In Game Theory:

a) Firms are assumed to act independently

b) Firms are assumed to cooperate with each other

c) Firms collude as part of a cartel

d) Firms consider the actions of others before deciding what to do

Question 6

In the kinked demand curve theory:

a) There is a kink in the marginal cost curve

b) Demand is price inelastic

c) Demand is price elastic

d) Non price competition is likely

Question 7

Firms in oligopoly are likely to:

a) Invest heavily in branding

b) Act independently of other firms

c) Try to differentiate its products

d) Try to be a price maker

Question 8

A model of Game Theory of oligopoly is known as the:

a) Prisoner's Dilemma

b) Monopoly Cell

c) Jailhouse Sentence

d) Jury Box

Question 9

In cartels:

a) Each individual firm profit maximises

b) There may be an incentive to cheat

c) The industry as a whole is loss making

d) There is no need to police agreements

Question 10

In a cartel:

a) Firms compete against each other

b) Price wars are common

c) Firms use price to win market share from competitors

d) Firms collude

Unit 14


Top of Form

Question 1

In monopolistic competition:

a) Firms face a perfectly elastic demand curve

b) All products are homogeneous

c) Firms make normal profits in the long run

d) There are barriers to entry to prevent entry

Question 2

In monopolistic competition:

a) Demand is perfectly elastic

b) Products are homogeneous

c) Marginal revenue = price

d) The marginal revenue is below the demand curve and diverges

Question 3

In monopolistic competition firms profit maximise where:

a) Marginal revenue = Average revenue

b) Marginal revenue = Marginal cost

c) Marginal revenue = Average cost

d) Marginal revenue = Total cost

Question 4

Which of the following is not one of the four Ps in marketing?

a) Product

b) Price

c) Place

d) Presence

Question 5

Effective branding will tend to make:

a) Demand more price inelastic

b) Supply more price inelastic

c) Demand more income elastic

d) Supply more income elastic

Question 6

In monopolistic competition if firms are making abnormal profit other firms will enter and:

a) The marginal cost will shift outwards

b) The demand curve will shift inwards

c) The average cost will shift downwards

d) The average variable cost will increase

Question 7

In Porter's five forces model conditions are more favourable for firms within an industry if:

a) Buyer power is high

b) Supplier power is high

c) Entry threat is low

d) Substitute threat is high

Question 8

If a firm takes over a competitor then, according to Porter's 5 forces model,:

a) Buyer power is higher

b) Supplier power is higher

c) Substitute threat is higher

d) Rivalry is lower

Question 9

In marketing "USP" stands for:

a) Unique Selling Proposition

b) Underlying Sales Pitch

c) Unit Sales Point

d) Under Sales Procedure

Question 10

In monopolistic competition:

a) There are few sellers

b) There are few buyers

c) There is one seller

d) There are many sellers

Unit 15

Top of Form

Question 1

Barriers to entry:

a) Do not exist in monopoly

b) Cannot exist in oligopoly

c) Do not exist in monopolistic competition

d) Do exist in perfect competition

Question 2

Which best describes price discrimination?

a) Charging different prices for different products

b) Charging the same prices for different products

c) Charging the same prices for the same products

d) Charging different prices for the same products

Question 3

For a firm operating in two markets and price discriminating the profit maximising condition is:

a) Marginal revenue in A = Price B

b) Marginal revenue in A = Marginal revenue B = Price A = Price B

c) Marginal revenue in A = Marginal revenue B = Marginal cost

d) Marginal revenue in A = Marginal revenue B = Average cost

Question 4

If the price elasticity of demand for a product in market A is -0.2 and in market B is -3 a price discriminator will charge:

a) The higher price in market A

b) The higher price in market B

c) The same price in both markets

d) Cannot tell which price will be higher

Question 5

In perfect price discrimination:

a) Consumer surplus is maximised

b) Produce surplus is zero

c) Community surplus is maximised

d) Consumer surplus is zero

Question 6

A benefit to consumers of price discrimination is that:

a) Some products are produced that would not otherwise be produced

b) Producer surplus increases

c) Consumer surplus decreases

d) Firms' profits increase

Question 7

In perfect price discrimination:

a) The demand curve is the marginal cost curve

b) The average revenue equals the average cost

c) The marginal cost is the average cost curve

d) The demand curve is the marginal revenue

Question 8

In price discrimination abnormal profits are made if:

a) Average revenue is greater than average variable cost

b) Average revenue is greater than average cost

c) Average revenue is greater than marginal revenue

d) Average revenue is greater than average fixed cost

Question 9

Barriers to entry:

a) Enable abnormal profits to be made in the long run

b) Enable losses to be made in the long run

c) Enable abnormal profits to be made in the short run only

d) Occur in perfect competition

Question 10

If the price elasticity is -0.3 this means:

a) Demand is upward sloping

b) Demand is price elastic

c) A price fall would increase revenue

d) Demand is price inelastic




Unit 16Top of Form

Question 1

If one car company takes over another car company this is an example of which type of integration?

a) Vertical

b) Horizontal

c) Conglomerate

d) Literal

Question 2

If a car company takes over a clothes business this is an example of which type of integration?

a) Vertical

b) Horizontal

c) Conglomerate

d) Literal

Question 3

Horizontal integration may lead to internal economies of scale. Which of the following is not a type of internal economy of scale?

a) Purchasing

b) Technical

c) Financial

d) Safety

Question 4

Acquisition and merger are examples of:

a) Internal growth

b) External growth

c) Organic growth

d) Underlying growth

Question 5

Unfair competition does not include:

a) Price cutting

b) Predatory pricing

c) Cartels

d) Price fixing

Question 6

If firms join together to set prices and quantities this is known as what?

a) Interaction

b) Conglomerate

c) Collusion

d) Integration

Question 7

In the Ansoff matrix a strategy focusing on new products and new markets is known as:

a) New product development

b) Diversification

c) Market development

d) Market penetration

A monopoly in the UK can be investigated if it has a market share of:

a) 100%

b) 10% or over

c) 25% or over

d) 33% or over

Question 9

Anti-competitive behaviour in the UK can lead to fines of up to:

a) 10% of profits

b) 10% of turnover

c) 10% of costs

d) 25% of market share

Question 10

An example of backward vertical integration is:

a) A supermarket buying a farm

b) A supermarket buying another supermarket

c) A supermarket buying an insurance company

d) A supermarket buying a car rental business

Unit 17

Top of Form

Question 1

To maximise sales revenue a firm should produce where:

a) Marginal cost is zero

b) Marginal revenue is maximised

c) Marginal revenue is zero

d) Marginal revenue equals marginal cost

Question 2

To maximise growth without making a loss a firm should produce the highest output where:

a) Average revenue equals marginal cost

b) Average revenue equals average cost

c) Marginal revenue equals marginal cost

d) Average cost equals marginal cost

Question 3

Profit is measured by:

a) Revenue - fixed costs

b) Fixed cost + revenue

c) Revenue - sales

d) Revenue - total costs

Question 4

When marginal revenue equals marginal cost:

a) Total revenue equals total cost

b) There is the biggest positive difference between total revenue and total cost

c) There is the biggest negative difference between total revenue and total cost

d) Profits are zero

Question 5

To be allocatively efficient a firm must produce where:

a) The total cost equals demand

b) The average revenue equals the marginal revenue

c) The price equals the average cost

d) The price equals the marginal cost

Question 6

To be productively efficient a firm must produce where:

a) Marginal costs are maximised

b) Marginal costs are minimised

c) Average costs are minimised

d) Average revenue is maximised

Question 7

Normal profit occurs when:

a) Average revenue equals average variable cost

b) Marginal revenue equals marginal cost

c) Average revenue equals marginal cost

d) Average revenue equals average cost

Question 8

If the marginal revenue is positive:

a) Selling another unit will increase total revenue

b) Selling another unit will increase profits

c) Selling another unit will increase costs

d) Selling another unit will increase average revenue

Question 9

Companies in the private sector are owned by:

a) The government

b) Shareholders

c) Employees

d) The community

Question 10

An independent assessment of the impact of firm's activities on society is called a:

a) Financial audit

b) Balance sheet

c) Profit and loss account

d) Social audit

Unit 18

Top of Form

Question 1

An increase in the wage rate:

a) Will usually lead to more people employed

b) Will decrease total earnings if the demand for labour is wage elastic

c) Is illegal in a free market

d) Will cause a shift in the demand for labour

Question 2

The Marginal Revenue Product is likely to be wage inelastic if:

a) Labour costs are a high percentage of total costs

b) Demand for the final product is price inelastic

c) It is relatively easy to substitute capital for labour

d) There are many substitutes for the final product

Question 3

A fall in demand for labour is likely to lead to:

a) A lower equilibrium wage and lower quantity of labour

b) A lower equilibrium wage and higher quantity of labour

c) A higher equilibrium wage and higher quantity of labour

d) A higher equilibrium wage and lower quantity of labour

Question 4

A decrease in the supply of labour is likely to lead to:

a) A lower equilibrium wage and lower quantity of labour

b) A lower equilibrium wage and higher quantity of labour

c) A higher equilibrium wage and higher quantity of labour

d) A higher equilibrium wage and lower quantity of labour

Question 5

The Marginal Revenue Product is:

a) Upward sloping due to the law of demand

b) Upward sloping due to the law of marginal utility

c) Downward sloping due to the law of diminishing returns

d) Downward sloping due to the law of supply

Question 6

Demand for labour is more likely to be wage inelastic if:

a) Wages are a small proportion of total costs

b) Demand for the final product is price elastic

c) It is easy to replace labour

d) Capital is a good substitute for labour

Question 7

A profit maximising firm will employ labour up to the point where:

a) Marginal revenue = marginal product

b) Marginal cost = marginal product

c) Marginal revenue product = average cost of labour

d) Marginal revenue product = marginal cost of labour

Question 8

In a perfectly competitive labour market firms are wage takers and the marginal cost of labour equals:

a) The average cost of labour

b) The marginal product

c) The marginal revenue

d) The total cost of labour

Question 9

If employees cannot accept a job because of the costs of moving this is known as:

a) Occupational immobility

b) Cyclical unemployment

c) Structural immobility

d) Geographical immobility

Question 10

If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage rate, then other things unchanged:

a) There will be equilibrium in the labour market

b) There will excess demand in the labour market

c) There will be excess supply in the labour market

d) More people will be employed

Unit 19

Top of Form

Question 1

Which of the following is a macroeconomic issue?

a) The price of houses in Oxford

b) The wage rate for plumbers in London

c) Your decision to work or stay at home

d) The level of unemployment in the UK

Question 2

What is meant by an objective?

a) A policy

b) A way of reaching a target

c) A target

d) A strategy

Question 3

Which of the following is not involved with fiscal policy?

a) Income tax

b) National insurance

c) VAT

d) Interest rates

Question 4

Which does the government not control directly?

a) Spending on health

b) Spending on defence

c) Firms' investment decisions

d) Spending on education

Question 5

Which of the following is not a macroeconomic issue?

a) Unemployment

b) Inflation

c) The wages paid to footballers

d) Economic growth

Question 6

Which of the following can the government not use directly to control the economy?

a) Pay rates within the private sector

b) Pay rates in the public sector

c) Investment in education

d) Benefits available for the unemployed and sick

Question 7

Which of the following is a policy instrument as opposed to a government objective?

a) Lower interest rates

b) A better balance of trade position

c) Faster economic growth

d) Lower unemployment

Question 8

Which of the following is a possible government objective as opposed to a policy?

a) Lower interest rates

b) Lower taxation rates

c) Lower government spending

d) Lower inflation

Question 9

Which of the following is not likely to be a government objective?

a) Increasing employment

b) Increasing economic growth

c) Increasing government spending

d) Increasing the level of exports

Question 10

"Reducing inflation is a more important objective than economic growth" is an example of:

a) Normative economics

b) Positive economics

c) Objective economics

d) Reality economics

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Unit 20

Top of Form

Question 1

a) Decrease aggregate demand

b) Always equal savings

c) Always equal national income

d) Include investment and export spending

Question 2

An increase in national income is:

a) Likely to increase exports

b) Likely to decrease savings

c) Likely to decrease investment

d) Likely to increase spending on imports

Question 3

An increase in national income is likely to:

a) Decrease tax receipts

b) Worsen the balance of trade

c) Automatically cause an increase in government spending

d) Cause an increase in injections into the economy

Question 4

A significant increase in the government budget deficit is likely to:

a) Reduce injections into the economy

b) Reduce national income

c) Move the economy away from full employment

d) Boost aggregate demand

Question 5

If injections are greater than withdrawals:

a) National income will increase

b) National income will decrease

c) National income will stay in equilibrium

d) Prices will fall

Question 6

Injections are:

a) Assumed to be exogeneous

b) Assumed to be a function of national income

c) Decrease aggregate demand

d) Decrease the investment into an economy

Question 7

For equilibrium in an open four sector economy:

a) Actual injections = actual withdrawals

b) Planned injections = planned withdrawals

c) Savings = investment

d) Government spending = tax revenue

Question 8

A deflationary policy could include:

a) Increasing injections

b) Reducing taxation rates

c) Reducing interest rates

d) Reducing government spending

Question 9

A reflationary policy:

a) Increases aggregate supply

b) Increases aggregate demand

c) Decreases the price level

d) Increases full employment

Question 10

Which of the following is an injection into the economy?

a) Investment

b) Savings

c) Taxation

d) Import spending