MGT501 MCQs Solved
181. The conflict resolution technique which guarantees a solution to an impasse by dictating the terms of the settlement is:
a. mediation.
b. arbitration.
c. conciliation.
d. grievance hearing.
182. An example of management failure to bargain in good faith with a union is:
a. bypassing the union representative.
b. refusing to allow a closed shop.
c. demanding that the two parties discuss severance pay.
d. proposing drug testing of employees.
183. The union decertification process is:
a. essentially similar to the union certification process in terms of steps in the process.
b. similar to the union certification process, except that a higher percentage of votes is needed to decertify the union that was needed to certify the union.
c. a complex and very expensive process that usually results in failure.
d. currently illegal under the Wagner Act.
184. An appropriate action for employers attempting to avoid unionization would be to:
a. threaten employees with loss of their jobs if they unionize.
b. provide supervisory training regarding unfair labor practices and management effectiveness/leadership training.
c. decrease compensation as a punishment for union organizing activity.
d. initiate small but strategic layoffs.
185. In general, employees who feel they are treated fairly will:
a. be more likely to unionize.
b. have lower retention rates.
c. be more productive.
d. have higher absence rates.
186. Employees of hostile or abusive supervisors are more likely than other employees to do all of the following EXCEPT:
a. report high stress levels.
b. quit their jobs.
c. report lower satisfaction with life.
d. participate in employee training programs.
187. A appropriate technique HR professionals can use to increase employee involvement in workplace improvement initiatives is to:
a. foster an atmosphere of open communications and invite employee input.
b. create employee discipline guidelines for those who do not participate.
c. enlarge the jobs of those who refuse to participate in involvement activities.
d. involve only managers and supervisors in workplace improvement initiatives.
188. Managers who need to disseminate specific information quickly throughout the organization should use which of the following communication approaches?
a. top-down communication
b. bottom-up communication
c. quality circles
d. employee participatory management
189. An abnormal health condition caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment is a(n):
a. occupational illness.
b. repetitive stress injury.
c. health citation.
d. malingering.
190. The federal law that most specifically and comprehensively addresses workplace health and safety is:
a. OSHA.
b. ADA.
191. If an employee is injured at work, the most appropriate initial action would be to:
a. provide first aid followed by medical attention.
b. notify the company's legal defense team.
c. notify OSHA.
d. consult the employee's benefits package to determine health coverage.
192. Identification of employee alcohol abuse:
a. is often difficult, as symptoms such as tardiness can occur with other kinds of behavior problems as well as alcohol abuse.
b. should be done routinely with blood alcohol screenings.
c. should be grounds for immediate dismissal.
d. should trigger a formal disciplinary proceeding.
193. The federal legislation that pertains to workers with chronic illness such as asthma or diabetes is:
a. the Americans with Disabilities Act.
b. the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
c. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
d. the Equal Pay Act.
194. Positive steps employers can take to reduce workplace violence include all of the following
a. providing workplace safety and security training.
b. creating an organizational culture that emphasizes mutual respect.
c. refusing to hire employees who have ever been convicted of any type of violent act.
d. providing security staff to monitor the workplace.
195. If an OSHA inspector shows up at the workplace, the first step an HR professional should take is:
a. check and verify the inspector's credentials.
b. close the workplace and send the employees home.
c. deny any violation noted by the inspector.
d. secure all health and safety related company records in a locked location.
196. A major concern in the area of occupational injury is:
a. employee nutrition.
b. repetitive stress injuries due to cumulative trauma.
c. anorexia among female employees.
d. skin diseases due to handling computer equipment.
197. An organization that employs many workers who smoke cigarettes should note all of the following EXCEPT:
a. smokers have higher absenteeism rates that nonsmokers.
b. organizations that have significant numbers of smokers generally pay higher health and fire insurance premiums.
c. instituting a ban on hiring smokers is generally illegal under federal law.
d. smokers have greater risks for occupational accidents than nonsmokers.
198. A special health and safety concern for expatriate employees, more so than those in the U.S., is:
a. possible security threats in foreign countries.
b. asbestos exposure.
c. cigarette smoking.
d. alcohol abuse.
199. HR professionals who work in fast paced organizations should to all of the following EXCEPT:
a. monitor employees for signs of stress and burnout.
b. provide training programs in burnout prevention.
c. try to give employees more control over their jobs.
d. report employees who seek help with stress-related problems to their supervisors.
200. Employers who reward employees for increasing the number of days without a workplace injury:
a. will likely have a safer workplace.
b. may not do so without union approval if the company is unionized.
c. are governed by the provisions of OSHA.
d. must communicate reward policies in writing.