MGT501 MCQs Solved
101. Organizational pre-retirement counseling programs would likely include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. explanation of Social Security benefits.
b. financial and investment training.
c. counseling in the area of leisure activities.
d. psychological testing.
102. Measurement of the effectiveness of an organization's outplacement counseling program would likely include:
a. employee performance appraisal records prior to the outplacement counseling.
b. the numbers or percentages of employees placed in new jobs.
c. the number of employees who were provided with outplacement counseling.
d. the size of the organizational workforce that did not receive outplacement counseling.
103. Current trends in the training and development of international employees include all of the following except:
a. increased use of technology in training and development.
b. continuing training during the duration of the international assignment.
c. significantly increased compensation for international employees.
d. increased focus on cultural awareness programs.
104. International employees would be more likely than employees working in the U. S. to receive which of the following training programs:
a. safety and security training.
b. computer skills training.
c. training in quantitative methodologies.
d. training in organizational intranets.
105. The most significant measure of the effectiveness of an employee training program involves:
a. determining if employees liked the program.
b. determining if supervisors liked the program.
c. determining if performance improvement was a result of the training or some other factor.
d. determining the training costs per employee in attendance.
106. A major consideration in the implementation of employee performance management and appraisal programs is:
a. legal defensibility.
b. the number of employees who will be appraised.
c. the size of the company's HR department.
d. the number of supervisors who will do the appraising.
107. The regulation that makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate against any individual because of race with respect to compensation or other terms of employment is the:
a. Fair Labor Standards Act.
b. the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
c. the Davis–Bacon Act.
d. the Equal Pay Act.
108. The law created to protect employees against the failure of their employer's pension plan is:
a. The Equal Pay Act.
d. The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
109. A basic principle of organizational compensation practices is that compensation should:
a. support organizational strategy by rewarding behaviors the organization values.
b. be kept lower than industry standards to increase cost savings.
c. focus primarily on seniority.
d. be kept separate from union contract issues.
110. If an organization's pay rates are similar with prevailing rates in other organizations, the compensation structure reflects:
a. internal equity.
b. external equity.
c. face validity.
d. concurrent reliability.
111. In conducting a salary survey, HR professionals would likely use all of the following EXCEPT:
a. formal written surveys.
b. telephone surveys.
c. commercial salary surveys.
d. interviews with former employees.
112. A systematic comparison done to determine the worth of one job relative to another in the organization is:
a. job analysis.
b. job evaluation.
c. a salary survey.
d. job classification.
113. The simplest method of performing job evaluation is:
a. ranking.
b. factor comparison.
c. the point method.
d. a histogram.
114. If organizational exit interviews indicate that employee turnover is due to dissatisfaction with compensation, HR professionals would likely:
a. increase pay rates immediately.
b. conduct a salary survey.
c. conduct management leadership training.
d. outsource the compensation and benefits function.
115. A collection of jobs grouped together by approximately equal difficulty levels is a:
a. pay grade.
b. pay for performance system.
c. compensation analysis factor.
d. responsibility level.
116. A wage rate that is above the rate range for its grade would result in:
a. overpayment relative to others in the same grade.
b. underpayment relative to others in the same grade.
c. grounds for termination.
d. wage compression.
117. Which of the following is an example of an executive compensation strategy that aims to increase the price of the company's stock?
a. an increase in base pay
b. a company car
c. stock options
d. stock bonuses
118. A major difference between skill-based pay and pay based on job evaluation is that:
a. skill-based pay does not consider seniority.
b. there are fewer opportunities for advancement with skill-based pay.
c. skill-based pay is based on the pay grade for the job.
d. skill-based pay tends to be lower than pay based on job evaluation.
119. Broadbanding, as a compensation strategy, is valuable for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. it offers increased flexibility in compensation.
b. it supports the "boundaryless organization" concept.
c. it reduces compensation costs.
d. it supports a flatter organizational hierarchy.
120. An incentive pay plan for factory assembly line workers would be most likely to use which of the following methods?
a. Piecework
b. Stock options
c. Golden parachutes
d. Perquisites