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Sunday, January 10, 2010

STA630_Online_Quiz # 4

Research Methods STA630

Solution Quiz # 2

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1.  Which one of the following sets is the measure of central tendency?

a.       Mean, standard deviation, mode

b.      Mean, median, standard deviation

c.       Arithmetic mean, median, mode

d.      Standard deviation, internal validity, mode


2.      In lab experiment the effect of              Variables is controlled to evaluate the causal relationship.

  1. Extraneous
  2. Moderate
  3. Intervening
  4. All of the above


3.      Internal validity refers to               .

  1. Researcher's degree of confidence.
  2. Generalizability
  3. Operationalization
  4. All of the above


4.      Which of the following is the weakest experimental design?

  1. One group pretest-posttest design
  2. Quasi- experimental design
  3. Two group posttest only design
  4. Ex post facto design


5.      How many times the students appear in the research class is the example of _________.

  1. Intensity
  2. Space
  3. Frequency
  4. Direction


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Disadvantage of content analysis is               . 

  1. Researcher can increase the sample size
  2. Provides access on the subjects to which researcher does have physical access.
  3. Sometime documents provide incomplete account to the researcher
  4. Spontaneous feelings can be recorded when they occurred


7.   Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to "An experimental design is a set of procedures specifying:"

  1. How the test units (subjects) are to be divided into homogenous sub samples.
  2. What independent variables or treatments are to be measured?
  3. What dependent variables are to be measured?
  4. How the extraneous variables are to be controlled?


8.   Time consumed in mall intercept interview is             .

a.       High

b.      Moderate

c.       Low

d.      Nil


9.   "Teacher should create a friendly environment in the classroom" this is the type of             .

a.       Leading question

b.      Loaded question

c.       Double Barreled

d.      Burdensome question



10. Departmental stores selected to test a new merchandising display system is the example of              .

a.       Quota sampling

b.      Convenience sampling

c.       Judgmental sampling

d.      Purposive sampling

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