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Sunday, January 10, 2010




31.   Organizational design is based on decisions about ____________.

a.        work specialization and departmentalization

b.        chain of command and span of control

c.        centralization and decentralization

d.        all of the above

        (d; moderate; p. 234)


32.   Which statement accurately defines work specialization?

a.        the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs

b.        individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity

c.        jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businesses

d.        a and b

        (d;            difficult; p. 235)


33.   On what basis are jobs grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals?

a.                departmentalization

b.                centralization

c.        formalization

d.        coordination

        (a;            moderate; p. 235)


34.   Sales responsibilities divided into the Southwest, Midwest, southern, northern, and western regions would be an example of what type of departmentalization?

a.        product

b.        geographic 

c.        process

d.        outcome

        (b;            easy; p. 236)


35.   Grouping activities on the basis of customer flow is _____________.

a.        functional departmentalization

b.        product departmentalization

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c.        geographical departmentalization

d.        process departmentalization

        (d; moderate; p. 236)


36.   What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?

a.        product

b.        geographic

c.        outcome

d.        customer 

        (d; moderate; p. 236)


37.   Today's competitive business environment has greatly increased the importance of what type of departmentalization?

a.        geographic

b.        customer 

c.        product

d.        process

        (b; difficult; p. 237)


38.   Functional departmentalization groups jobs by ______________.

a.        tasks they perform

b.        territories they serve

c.        products or services they manufacture or produce

d.        type of customer they serve

        (a; moderate; p. 236)


39.   Assigning designers, production workers, and salespeople to a common work group to develop a new product is known as a ________________ team.

a.        differentiated

b.        product

c.        cross-functional

d.        weak

        (c; moderate; p. 237)




40.   In describing the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs, managers use the term ___________.

a.        work specialization

b.        departmentalization

c.        chain of command

d.        span of control

        (a; moderate; p. 235)


41.   Departmentalization based on _______________ groups' jobs based on the territory or physical location.

a.        functional

b.        product

c.        geographic

d.        matrix

        (c; easy; p. 236)


42.   ______________ departmentalization is based on the product or customer flow through the organization.

a.        Product

b.        Functional

c.        Process

d.        Organizational structure

        (c; moderate; p. 237)


43.   ______________ departmentalization is used more in recent years to better monitor the needs of customers and to respond to changes in those needs.

a.        Needs-based

b.        Functional

c.        Process

d.        Customer

        (d; moderate; p. 237)


44.   The continuous line of authority that extends from the upper levels of management to the lowest levels of the organization is ____________.

a.        authorized line of responsibility

b.        unity of command

c.        responsibility factor

d.        chain of command

        (d;            moderate; p. 237)


45.   ______________ refers to the rights inherent to a position that allows a manager to tell subordinates what to do and expect them to do it.

a.        Responsibility

b.        Unity of command

c.        Chain of command

d.        Authority

        (d; moderate; p. 237)





46.   ________________ is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty.

a.        Responsibility

b.        Unity of command

c.        Chain of command

d.        Span of control

        (a; moderate; p. 237)


47.   The theory that a person should report to only one manager is called ____________.

a.        authorized line of responsibility

b.        unity of command

c.        responsibility factor

d.        chain of command

        (b; moderate; p. 237)


48.   Which one of Fayol's 14 principles of management helps preserve the concept of a continuous line of authority?

a.        unity of demand

b.        unity of command 

c.        demand structure

d.        continuous demand

        (b; moderate; p. 237)


49.   The concept that defines the number of subordinates that report to a manager and that indirectly specifies the number of levels of management in an organization is called _____________.

a.        authorized line of responsibility

b.        unity of command

c.        responsibility factor

d.        span of control

        (d; difficult; p. 238)


50.   In organizations, the trend in recent years has been toward _____________.

a.        narrower span of control

b.        increased chain of command

c.        the organization's structure being based on its financial position

d.        wider span of control

        (d; moderate; p. 238)


51.   All other things being equal, as the span of control grows wider or larger, organizational design becomes more _____________.

a.        bureaucratic

b.        democratic

c.        effective

d.        efficient 

      (d;  difficult; p. 238)





52.   ______________ is the number of subordinates that a manager manages and ultimately determines the number of levels of managers in an organization.

a.        Responsibility

b.        Unity of command

c.        Chain of command

d.        Span of control

        (d; moderate; p. 238)


53.   Trends in the past few years have centered on a ____________ span of control to reduce costs and speed decision making.

a.        narrower

b.        wider

c.        deeper

d.        stable

        (b; moderate; p. 238)


54.   The degree to which decision making is confined at a single point in an organization is described as ____________.

a.        unity of command

b.        chain of command

c.        span of management

d.        centralization

        (d;            moderate; p. 239)


55.   In recent years, there has been a movement to make organizations more flexible and responsive through _____________.

a.        centralization

b.        decentralization

c.        alternative organizational structure

d.        customer-based structure

        (b; moderate; p. 239)


56.   The degree to which jobs are standardized and guided by rules and procedures is called ______________.

a.        work specialization

b.        centralization

c.        decentralization

d.        formalization

      (d; difficult; p. 240)


57.   In an effort to make organizations more flexible and responsive to competitive pressures, firms have adopted more ____________ decision making.

a.        centralized

b.        decentralized

c.        vertically integrated

d.        stable

        (b; moderate; p. 239)






58.   A(n) ____________ organization is rigidly controlled and efficient.

a.        organic

b.        horizontal

c.        learning

d.        mechanistic

        (d; moderate; p. 241)


59.   A(n) ____________ organization is able to change rapidly as needs require.

a.        organic

b.        horizontal

c.        vertical

d.        mechanistic

        (a; moderate; p. 241)


60.   When managers standardize employee behavior through rules and procedures, the jobs are becoming more _____________.

a.        diversified

b.        formalized

c.        vertical

d.        horizontal

        (b; difficult; p. 240)


61.   In describing the relationship between structure and strategy, it can be said that _____________ .

a.        structure follows strategy

b.        strategy follows structure

c.        strategy and structure are always handled equally

d.        strategy follows structure in smaller organizations

        (a; moderate; p. 242)


62.   In linking strategy and structure, most strategic frameworks tend to focus on ______________.

a.        the pursuit of meaningful and unique innovation

b.        the pursuit of tightly controlled costs

c.        minimizing risk and maximizing profit opportunities by copying market leaders

d.        all of the above

        (d; difficult; p. 242)


63.   As a type of technology, _____________, centers on large-batch production and requires moderate levels of complexity and sophistication.

a.        unit production

b.        mass production

c.        process production

d.        service production

        (b; moderate; p. 242)





64.   Organizations that work like efficient, well-oiled machines are described as ______________.

a.        organic

b.        mechanistic

c.        rational

d.        intuitive

        (b; moderate; p. 241)


65.   Organizations that are highly flexible and adaptive are described as ______________.

a.        organic

b.        mechanistic

c.        rational

d.        intuitive

        (a; moderate; p. 241)


66.   Structure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations tend to have more ____________.

a.        specialization

b.        departmentalization

c.        centralization

d.        all of the above

        (d;            moderate; p. 242)


67.   Structure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations are more _____________.

a.        mechanistic

b.        organic

c.        structurally weak

d.        decentralized

        (a; moderate; p. 242)


68.   In Joan Woodward's study of the relationship between technology and structure, the structure that was the most technically complex was ______________.

a.        unit production

b.        mass production

c.        process production

d.        technological production

        (c; moderate; p. 242)


69.   According to Woodward's studies, what type of production works best with a mechanistic structure?

a.        unit

b.        process

c.        product

d.        mass 

        (d; moderate; p. 243)



70.   In studies of the structure of an organization to uncertainty in the environment, organizations that face higher uncertainty are more ____________.

a.        organic

b.        mechanistic

c.        technologically pure

d.        supportive of technological change

        (a; moderate; p. 243)


71.   Global competition, accelerated product development by competitors, and increased demands by customers for better service have encouraged organizations to become more _____________.

a.        organic

b.        mechanistic

c.        technologically pure

d.        task oriented

        (a;            moderate; p. 243)


72.   Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?

a.        wide span of control

b.        empowered employees

c.        decentralized responsibility

d.        standardized job specialties 

        (d; difficult; p. 241)


73.   In the early years of Apple Computers, its desire for highly proficient and creative employees who operated with few work rules best exemplified what type of organization?

a.        bureaucratic

b.        mechanistic

c.        volatile

d.        organic 

      (d;  difficult; p. 241)


74.   Which type of environment is best suited for mechanistic organizations?

a.        dynamic

b.        manufacturing

c.        service

d.        stable 

        (d; moderate; p. 243)


75.   The appropriate structure for an organization is based on four contingency variables: strategy, size, degree of environmental uncertainty, and  _________________.

a.                technology

b.                history

c.                leadership

d.                intensity of competition

        (a;            easy; p. 241)





76.   Joan Woodward study of the relationship between technology and structure is based upon her study of small manufacturing firms in _________________.

a.                the northeastern United States

b.                the south of Wales

c.                France

d.                southern England

        (d; difficult; p. 242)