1. According to the path-goal theory, directive leadership will lead to higher employee satisfaction when there is ______________ within a work group.
a. cohesiveness
b. high structure
c. substantial conflict
d. internal locus of control
(c; moderate; p. 500)
2. Research on path-goal theory could be summarized as ________________.
a. very unsupportive
b. somewhat supportive
c. supportive
d. inconclusive
(c; easy; p. 500)
3. Transactional leaders are leaders who guide _________________.
a. and direct groups towards their goals and tasks
b. and clarify the followers' goals and task requirements
c. or clarify the group's goals and roles
d. or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements
(d; difficult; p. 500)
4. Which of the following is an accurate statement about transformational leaders?
- They are poor motivators.
- They clarify task requirements.
- They exhibit more than just charisma.
- They focus on tasks and pay little attention to followers.
(c; difficult; p. 500)
5. Which type of leaders attempts to instill in followers the ability to question not only established views but those views held by the leader?
- transactional
- charismatic
- trait
- transformational
(d; moderate; p. 500)
6. A leader, such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, who can inspire followers above their own self-interests and can have a profound effect on their performance, is known as a(n) _____________.
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- transactional leader
- directive leader
- informational leader
- transformational leader
(d; difficult; p. 500)
7. The evidence supporting the superiority of transformational leadership over the transactional variety is ______________.
a. inconclusive
b. moderately supportive
c. moderately negative
d. overwhelmingly impressive
(d; moderate; p. 500)
8. Evidence indicates that transformational leadership is strongly correlated with _______________.
a. lower turnover rates and lower levels of goal attainment and follower well-being
b. lower turnover rates and higher levels of productivity and creativity
c. higher turnover rates and lower levels of productivity and employee satisfaction
d. higher turnover rates and higher levels of employee satisfaction and follower well-being
(b; moderate; p. 501)
9. What did the most comprehensive analysis identify as a characteristic that differentiates charismatic leaders from noncharismatic ones?
a. They are sensitive only to follower needs.
b. They are willing to take risks to achieve a vision.
c. They exhibit ordinary behaviors.
d. They have a mission.
(b; moderate; p. 501)
10. Researchers who train individuals to use charismatic nonverbal behaviors do not recommend _______________.
- leaning toward the subordinate
- avoiding eye contact
- having relaxed posture
- having animated facial expressions
(b; easy; p. 501)
11. ______________ leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future for an organization or organizational unit that grows out of and improves on the future.
- Visionary
- Charismatic
- Trait
- Transactional
(a; easy; p. 502)
12. Which of the following is not one of the qualities that are related to effectiveness in the roles of visionary leaders?
a. the ability to explain the vision to others
b. the ability to express the vision not just verbally but through behavior
c. the ability to extend or apply the vision to different leadership contexts
d. the ability to stimulate and inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes
(d; moderate; p. 502)
13. Which of the following is not an important leadership role for team leaders?
a. liaison with external constituencies
b. liaison with internal constituencies
c. troubleshooter
d. conflict manager
(b; moderate; p. 503)
14. When a team leader secures needed resources, clarifies others' expectations of the team, gathers information from the outside, and shares that information with team members, the team leader is a _______________.
a. liaison with external constituencies
b. coach
c. conflict manager
d. troubleshooter
(a; easy; p. 503)
15. Team leaders are acting as conflict managers when they _______________.
a. represent the team to other constituencies
b. ask penetrating questions of the team
c. help identify the resolution options available
d. offer support for team members
(c; easy; p. 503)
16. All of the following are sources of leader power except ______________.
a. legitimate
b. status
c. expert
d. coercive
(b; easy; p. 504)
17. Which of the following is the type of power a person has because of his or her position in the formal organizational hierarchy?
a. legitimate power
b. coercive power
c. reward power
d. expert power
(a; moderate; p. 504)
18. ______________ is the power that rests on the leader's ability to punish or control.
a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Expert power
d. Referent power
(b; moderate; p. 504)
19. ______________ is the power to give positive benefit or rewards.
a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Expert power
d. Referent power
(a; moderate; p. 504)
20. Your firm's attorney has ______________ power when giving legal advice.
a. legitimate
b. status
c. expert
d. coercive
(c; moderate; p. 504)
21. __________ is the power that arises because of a person's desirable resources or personal traits.
a. Expert power
b. Referent power
c. Reward power
d. Legitimate power
(b; moderate; p. 504)
22. When a young child emulates a professional sports star's behavior, the star has what kind of power over the child?
a. legitimate
b. expert
c. coercive
d. referent
(d; difficult; p. 504)
23. The most dominant component of credibility is ______________.
a. expertise
b. status
c. authority
d. honesty
(d; moderate; p. 506)
24. The dimension of trust that is used to describe honesty and truthfulness is _______________.
a. integrity
b. competence
c. consistency
d. loyalty
(a; easy; p. 507)
25. The dimension of trust that is used to describe reliability, predictability, and good judgment in handling situations is termed ______________.
a. integrity
b. competence
c. consistency
d. loyalty
(c; moderate; p. 507)
26. How are ethics a part of leadership?
a. Transactional leaders have been described as fostering moral virtue when they try to change the attitudes and behaviors of followers.
b. Unethical leaders may use their charisma in more socially constructive ways to serve others.
c. Ethics are used when leaders give themselves large salaries while they lay off employees.
d. Trust explicitly deals with the leadership traits of honesty and integrity.
(d; moderate; p. 508; AACSB: Ethics)
27. Providing moral leadership involves addressing the _______________.
a. means that a leader uses in trying to achieve goals as well as the content of those goals
b. ends of achieving goals
c. leadership style used
d. gender issues
(a; difficult; p. 508; AACSB: Ethics)
28. Why are more and more companies empowering employees?
a. Management needs to make quick decisions.
b. Organizational upsizing left many managers with smaller spans of control.
c. Empowerment is appropriate for all circumstances.
d. Managers must cope with increased work demands.
(d; moderate; p. 510)
29. One general conclusion that surfaces from leadership research is that _______________.
a. effective leaders do not use any single style
b. leaders always make good team leaders
c. national culture is a situational variable in determining which leadership style will be most effective
d. women are better leaders than men
(a; moderate; p. 510)
30. __________________ are expected to be humble and speak frequently.
a. Arab leaders
b. German leaders
c. Japanese leaders
d. Korean leaders
(c; moderate; p. 510; AACSB: Globalizations)
31. __________________ are characterized by high performance orientation, low compassion, low self-protection, low team orientation, high autonomy, and high participation.
a. Arab leaders
b. German leaders
c. Malaysian leaders
d. Scandinavian and Dutch leaders
(b; moderate; p. 510; AACSB: Globalizations)
32. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the differences between gender and leadership style?
a. Males and females do not use different styles.
b. Men are more democratic than women.
c. Women encourage more participation.
d. Men share power more than women.
(c; moderate; p. 511; AACSB: Diversity)
33. __________ to motivate others by transforming their self-interest into organizational goals.
a. Women tend to use transformational leadership
b. Women tend to use transactional leadership
c. Men tend to use transactional leadership
d. Men tend to use transformational leadership
(a; moderate; p. 511; AACSB: Diversity)
34. Men tend to use _____________ leadership, handing out rewards for good work and punishment for bad.
a. transactional
b. transformational
c. situational
d. initiating
(a; moderate; p. 511; AACSB: Diversity)