Foundations of Individual Behavior
21. Which of the following statements concerning tenure is not true?
a. Recent evidence demonstrates a positive relationship between seniority and job productivity.
b. Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity.
c. Tenure is a potent variable in explaining turnover.
d. Tenure and satisfaction are positively related.
e. Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related.
(b; Moderate; p. 52)
22. Studies indicate that which of the following tends to decrease with increased tenure?
a. job satisfaction
b. productivity
c. absenteeism
d. raises and promotion
e. efficiency
(c; Moderate; p. 52
23. Which of the following is a major problem in the use of ability tests for selection and promotion of personnel?
a. the low reliability of the tests
b. the tests fail to take into account the personality of the individual
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c. some individuals with high intelligence are poor test takers
d. the unfair advantage that women enjoy on these tests
e. the adverse impact the tests may have on different racial and ethnic groups
(e; Moderate; p. 52)
24. Which of the following indicates that learning has taken place?
a. The ability to perform well on exams
b. A change in motivation
c. A change in behavior
d. A high I.Q. score
e. An increase in experience
(c; Easy; p. 53)
25. Learning has not taken place in which of the following cases?
a. A farm worker makes sure that she always wears a hat after she was badly sunburned,.
b. A salesman watches a training video and then uses some of the techniques in that video.
c. An athlete trains rigorously, until he can run a mile in less than 4 minutes.
d. A warehouseman avoids working by staying in areas of the warehouse where he has observed that the foreman does not enter.
e. A manager only completes an important project by working through the night.
(e; Moderate; p. 53)
26. All of the following are true about learning except that it _____.
a. involves change
b. can have a very short duration
c. requires a change in behavior
d. requires some form of experience
e. affects aptitude
(b; Moderate; p. 53)
27. A cashier starts greeting her customers with a simple "Hello" rather than following the company policy of greeting them with the standard greeting "Thank you for shopping with us", since she find saying the latter slightly embarrassing. In this case, what is the experience that has led to learning?
a. The feeling of embarrassment when she uses the standard company greeting.
b. The direction of the company to use the standard greeting.
c. The decision not to use the company greeting.
d. Her use of the informal greeting of "Hello".
e. The decision of the company to adopt the standard greeting.
(a; Moderate; p. 53)
28. Experiments performed by Pavlov led to what theory?
a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. social learning
d. method reproduction
e. behavior shaping
(a; Moderate; p 53-54)
29. What role did the meat play in Pavlov's experiment with dogs?
a. an unconditioned response
b. a conditioned stimulus
c. a conditioned response
d. a reconditioned stimulus
e. an unconditioned stimulus
(e; Moderate; p. 54)
30. Classical conditioning would view which of the following as most likely to be a conditioned response?
a. wincing when you stub your toe
b. driving on the right side of the road
c. flinching when startled by a loud noise
d. looking for shelter when the sky turns gray
e. mouth watering when you eat delicious food
(d; Moderate; p. 54)
31. In Pavlov's experiment, the bell was a/an _____.
a. unconditioned stimulus
b. unconditioned response
c. conditioned stimulus
d. conditioned response
e. none of the above
(c; Easy; p. 54)
32. Which of the following is not true of classical conditioning?
a. Classical conditioning is passive.
b. Classical conditioning can explain simple reflexive behaviors.
c. Learning a conditioned response involves building an association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
d. A neutral stimulus takes on the properties of a conditioned stimulus.
e. Classical conditioning is different in many respects from operant conditioning.
(d; Challenging; p. 54)
33. When Joe gets stressed he often drinks chamomile tea. This calms him since he associates chamomile tea drinking with happy visits with his grandmother in his childhood. The calm feeling brought on by the tea is an example of which of the following?
a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. sensory learning
d. social learning
e. shaping
(a; Easy; p. 54)
34. Why does classical conditioning theory fail to adequately describe behavior in the workplace?
a. Most behavior of individuals in the workplace is reflexive rather than voluntary.
b. Most behavior of individuals in the workplace is emitted rather than elicited.
c. Most behavior of individuals in the workplace is complex.
d. It is very difficult to determine exactly which conditioned stimulus elicits which response in the workplace.
e. Classical conditioning works well describing animal behavior but not human behavior.
(b; Challenging; p. 55)
35. Operant conditioning argues that _____.
a. behavior is reflexive
b. behavior is unlearned
c. behavior is a function of its consequences
d. the tendency to repeat a behavior is very strong
e. the tendency to repeat a behavior is instinctual
(c; Moderate; p. 55-56)
36. Which of the following researchers thought that reinforcement was the central factor involved in behavioral change?
a. Pavlov
b. Fayol
c. Skinner
d. Deming
e. Surber
(c; Moderate; p. 56)
37. Stella has been late to work often in the past. Stella's manager tries to change Stella's behavior by praising her whenever she is on time. However, Stella realizes that this is what he is doing, and resents his attempts to manipulate her behavior. This is an example of what problem with behaviorism and OB Mod?
a. behaviorism and OB Mod assume that people's thoughts and feelings in response to their environment are irrelevant
b. behaviorism and OB Mod put undue emphasis on cognitive processes
c. behaviorism and OB Mod only have an effect on human subjects when those subject are unaware that these techniques are being used.
d. the best reinforcement to use and the schedule on which it should be used varies widely between individual subjects.
e. behaviorism and OB Mod are based upon simple models of stimulus and response that may not hold true in a complex, real world environment
(a; Challenging; p. 56)
38. Your boss does not follow through on her promise to pay you double for overtime hours worked. When asked again to work overtime, you decline. This is an application of _____ conditioning.
a. classical
b. operant
c. sensory
d. association
e. disappointment-weighted
(b; Challenging; p. 56)
39. According to operant conditioning, when a behavior is not reinforced, what happens to the probability of that behavior occurring again?
a. it increases
b. it declines
c. it remains unchanged
d. it becomes zero
e. it may increase or decrease based on other factors
(b; Easy; p. 56)
40. What do we call the view that we can learn both through observation and direct experience?
a. situational learning theory
b. classical learning
c. social learning theory
d. hands-on learning experience
e. the Pavlov principle
(c; Easy; p. 56)