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Monday, January 11, 2010

STA630_Quiz # 9

STA630 (Research Methods)

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Quiz # 1



Q1.  All the persons involved in the collection of data and supervision of data collection

process are called

i.  Fieldworkers

ii.  Researchers

iii.  Research assistants

iv.  None of the given options


Q2. While terminating the interview, the fieldworker should not do one of the following:

i.  He should record all the responses made by the interviewee before leaving.

ii.  He should thank the interviewee.

iii.  He should close the interview hastily.

iv.  He should answer all the questions the respondent asks concerning the nature

and purpose of the study.


Q3. Which one of these is a type of Interviewee bias?

i.  The respondent does not tell his true income, age, or contact information.

ii.  The fieldworker fails to probe the interviewee properly.

iii.  The fieldworker contacted the wrong person for interview.

iv.  The fieldworker asks the questions in wrong order.


Q4. A magazine conducts a survey and asks its readers to cut the questionnaire from the

magazine, fill it and send it via mail.  It is a type of

i.  Purposive sampling

ii.  Snowball sampling

iii.  Sequential sampling

iv.  Convenience sampling


Q5. The height distribution of a few students in a school is an example of

i.  Statistic

ii.  Population

iii.  Parameter

iv.  Element


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Q6. A researcher wants to conduct a survey of the drug users.  Which type of sampling

technique will be most appropriate here?

i.   Sequential samplin

ii. Snowball sampling

iii.  Quota sampling

iv.  Convenience sampling


Q7. When there is a need to apply different data collection methods to different parts of

the population, the best sampling method would be

i.  Double sampling

ii.  Cluster sampling

iii.  Stratified random sampling

iv.  Systematic random sampling


Q8.  The sampling technique in which every element of the population has an equal, non-

zero probability of being selected in a sample, is called

i.  Probability sampling

ii.  Convenience sampling

iii.  Purposive sampling

iv.  Quota sampling


Q9. Target population is also called

i.  Population

ii.  Survey population

iii.  Population element

iv.  Population frame


Q10. Which one of them is the method for probing the respondent?

i.  Repeat the question

ii.  Give an expectant pause

iii.  Repeat the respondent's reply

iv.  All of the given options


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