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Sunday, January 24, 2010

MGT502 Organization Behavior Solved MCQs Bank 2

MGT502 Organization Behavior  Sovled MCQ Bank

The group type that is determined by the organization chart is the ________ group.








Most people assume that a police officer should behave in a lawful manner, and not show any favoritism to any particular group, and do their best to uphold the law. What term is used for this kind of belief?

a role perception

a role expectation

a norm identity

a norm

a norm violation


People who control the outcomes of a group through their power tend to be perceived as ________.

low status

high conformists


high status

highly anonymous


Your organization is considering the use of team decision making. You have read the literature on decision making and are trying to inform your manager about the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. You should expect a weakness of group decision making to be ________.

employees will be less accepting of the group decision

less complete knowledge

more time will be used to make the decision

decreased risky shift

the decision will probably be a lower-quality decision


Your managers are located in TaiwanIndiaBrazil, and the United States. Which group decision-making technique seems most reasonable for your situation?

a brainstorming session

an interacting groups method

an electronic meeting

a nominal group

a postal service interaction


Which of the following helps explain the current popularity of teams? Teams ________.

are a way to better utilize employee talents

promote socialization

are easier to manage

are very efficient

are less expensive


Your company has recently landed a contract to design and manufacture a new state-of-the-art electronic device for the military.  This will be a very complex project, requiring many different types of skills. Which of the following types of teams is most suited for the project?






Teams require individuals with high scores on all of the following personality characteristics except ________.



emotional stability




You find that in a team situation you prefer to be the one who examines details and is concerned with enforcing rules and regulations. Your role is that of the ________.



resource allocator




________ defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.

Work specialization

Organizational structure

Organizational behavior


Matrix departmentation


Leadership is best defined as ________.

keeping order and consistency in the midst of change

implementing the vision and strategy provided by management

the ability to influence a group in goal achievement

coordinating and staffing the organization and handling day-to-day problems

not a relevant variable in modern organizations


If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then ________.

leadership skills can be taught through training

leadership behaviors are consistent

leaders are born with leadership behaviors

leaders' behavior should be altered

women generally make better leaders than men


Which of the following theories argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates?


leader-member exchange



managerial grid


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of charismatic leaders?

sensitivity to follower needs

willingness to take personal risks to achieve their vision

providing rewards


exhibiting behaviors that are out of the ordinary


The author of the text would be most likely to disagree with which of the following statements regarding charismatic leaders?

Charismatic leaders are skilled at articulating appealing visions for their organizations. 

Charismatic leaders are known for conveying new sets of values to their followers.

Charismatic leaders are better at describing positive behaviors than demonstrating those behaviors in practice.

Charismatic leaders typically communicate high performance expectations of their followers.

Charismatic leaders routinely express confidence that followers can attain established goals.


Power can be defined as ________.

downward influence on one's followers

upward influence on one's leaders

the ability to influence the behavior of others

the actualization of the dependency of others

congruence between the goals of the leader and those being led


Which of the following statements is true concerning power?

Trust and mistrust affect the expression of power.

To be effective, power must be actualized.

Power requires some congruence between the goals of the leader and those being led.

In order to have power, a person must impose their control over others.

A person can have power over you only if he or she controls something you desire.


You know that the vice president of your region has the authority to accept or reject your report.  This is part of his ________ power.







Your physician has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of her ________ power.







Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within an organization are known as ________.

political behaviors

interactive initiatives

human resources

sexual harassment

influential power moves

The ________ view of conflict argues that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group.



human resources


human relations


It seems that your work group is in conflict much of the time.  One colleague has suggested that you, as the supervisor, are responsible for eliminating the conflict so that your work group can function harmoniously.  Another colleague has suggested that conflict is good for stimulating creativity and productivity within the work environment.  You are unsure about whether you should try to eliminate the conflict within your group or learn to deal with it positively.  You have decided to accept conflict as a natural occurrence and deal with it.  You are supporting

the traditional view.

the behavior modification view.

the interactionist view.

the human relations view.

the positivistic view.


When one party is willing to sacrifice in order to maintain the relationship, this type of intention is called ________.







Trying to make someone else accept blame for a problem is an example of ________.







Conflict is constructive when it ________.

encourages curiosity among group members

improves the quality of decisions

stimulates creativity and innovation

fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change

all of the above


Conflict is dysfunctional when it ________.

provides a means for expressing frustration

leads to change

reduces group cohesiveness

provides a medium to release tension

fosters an environment of self-evaluation 


Your company decides to establish southern, Midwestern, western, and eastern zones of operation.  Based on this expansion, you decide to implement ________ departmentalization.







The basis by which jobs are grouped together is termed ________.

social clustering






In an organization that has high centralization, ________.

all top-level officials are located within the same geographic area

action can be taken more quickly to solve problems

new employees have a great deal of legitimate authority

top managers make all the decisions and lower-level managers merely carry out directions

the corporate headquarters is located centrally to branch offices

When today's large organizations use the virtual structure, they frequently use it to

outsource manufacturing.

reduce organizational flexibility.

improve customer satisfaction levels.

reduce labor costs.

acquire more companies.

________ is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization


Centralized structure

Matrix organization

Team structure

Simple structure