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Monday, January 11, 2010

MGT503 Solved MCQ 2 Management Yesterday and Today

 Management Yesterday and Today

1.      According to the textbook, which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior was concerned about deplorable working conditions?

a.       Robert Owens

b.      Hugo Munsterberg

c.       Mary Parker Follett

d.      Chester Barnard

(a; difficult; p. 36)


2.      Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior created the field of industrial psychology, the scientific study of people at work?

a.       Robert Owens

b.      Hugo Munsterberg

c.       Mary Parker Follett

d.      Chester Barnard

(b; difficult; p. 36)


3.      ______________ was one of the first to recognize that organizations could be viewed from the perspective of individual and group behavior.

a.       Robert Owens

b.      Hugo Munsterberg

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c.       Mary Parker Follett

d.      Chester Barnard

(c; moderate; p. 36)


4.      Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior was the first to argue that organizations were open systems?

a.       Robert Owens

b.      Hugo Munsterberg

c.       Mary Parker Follett

d.      Chester Barnard

(d; moderate; p. 36)


5.      Which four theorists are associated with the early organizational behavior approach?

a.       Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen

b.      Munsterberg, Taylor, Fayol, and Follett

c.       Taylor, Fayol, Weber, and Barnard

d.      Follett, Barnard, Munsterberg, and Weber

(a; moderate; p. 36)


6.      Which of the following was a major contribution of Hugo Munsterberg?

a.       He was a social reformer.

b.      He created the field of industrial psychology.

c.       He was interested in individual and group behavior.

d.      He viewed organizations as social systems requiring human cooperation.

(b; moderate; p. 36)


7.      Munsterberg's work in industrial psychology is easily connected with what other management approach?

a.       general administrative

b.      classical management

c.       systems

d.      scientific management

(d; difficult; p. 36)


8.      Contemporary management practices that emphasize work groups as a means to increasing productivity can be traced to which of the following authors?

a.       Robert Owen

b.      Mary Parker Follett

c.       Chester Barnard

d.      Hugo Munsterberg

(b; moderate; p. 36)


9.      Which of the following is true concerning the management beliefs of Barnard?

a.       Employee ability and motivation remain fixed within a single employee, but vary across different employees.

b.      To improve productivity, management should concentrate on selecting the best employee rather than motivating current employees.

c.       Productivity is best achieved by insulating the organization from external constituencies.

d.      Organizations are social systems that require human cooperation.

(d; difficult; p. 36)


10.  Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behavior came out of the ________________.

a.       Taylor studies

b.      Porter studies

c.       Parker studies

d.      Hawthorne Studies

(d; moderate; p. 37)


11.  The Hawthorne Studies were initially devised to study ______________.

a.       productivity levels of groups versus individuals

b.      the effect of noise on employee productivity

c.       the effect of illumination levels on employee productivity

d.      the effect of cooperative versus competitive organizational environments on productivity

(c; moderate; p. 37)


12.  What scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies?

a.       Adams

b.      Mayo

c.       Lawler

d.      Barnard

(b; easy; p. 37)


13.  One outcome of the Hawthorne Studies could be described by which of the following statements?

a.       Social norms or group standards are the key determinants of individual work behavior.

b.      Money is more important than the group on individual productivity.

c.       Behavior and employee sentiments are inversely related.

d.      Security is relatively unimportant.

(a; moderate; p. 37)




14.  A system can best be defined as _________.

a.       a grouping of separate and independent parts

b.      a set of interrelated and interdependent parts

c.       an ordering of distinct and unrelated parts

d.      a set of connected but nonfunctional parts

(b; moderate; p. 38)


15.  Each of the following terms could be used to characterize systems except ________.

a.       unified

b.      fragmented

c.       whole

d.      set

(b; moderate; p. 38)


16.  Which of the following types of systems does not interact with its environment?

a.       fluid

b.      diagrammatic

c.       closed

d.      resource-driven

(c; moderate; p. 38)


17.  Which of the following is considered a systems input?

a.       management activities

b.      financial results

c.       operations methods

d.      raw materials

(d; moderate; p. 38)


18.  In an open organizational system, products and services produced by the organization can be considered as which of the following?

a.       capital expenditures

b.      transformation processes

c.       outputs

d.      inputs

(d; moderate; p. 38)


19.  Open organizations are those that _________.

a.       interact with their environments

b.      consist of interdependent parts

c.       are influenced by their environments, but do not interact with them

d.      operate independently of their environments

(a; moderate; p. 38)


20.  According to the systems approach, effective management must ensure that ________.

a.       its organization succeeds in ignoring governmental regulations

b.      its organization becomes self-contained

c.       key departments within an organization have the greatest efficiency

d.      all interdependent units within an organization operate together

(a; moderate; p. 38)




21.  A manager who believes that no one set of principles applies equally to all work environments is most likely advocating which management approach?

a.       contingency

b.      workplace diversity

c.       organizational behavior

d.      knowledge management

(a; easy; p. 39)


22.  The contingency approach to management is based upon which of the following?

a.       similarities found within all organizations

b.      a set of universal management rules

c.       exceptions to generally accepted management principles

d.      knowledge developed based on sophisticated logic models

(c; moderate; p. 39)


23.  Each of the following represents a popular contingency variable except ________.

a.       organization size

b.      individual differences

c.       environmental uncertainty

d.      ideal bureaucratic structure

(d; moderate; p. 33)




24.  The fastest growth in the U.S. workforce is expected to be among ________________.

a.       African-American workers

b.      Asian workers

c.       Japanese workers

d.      German workers

(b; moderate; p. 43AACSB: Diversity)


25.  Workforce diversity refers to differences in employees such as ________________.

a.       gender

b.      race

c.       age

d.      all of the above

(d; moderate; p. 43; AACSB: Diversity)


26.  Workforce diversity will be significantly affected in the next decade by _______.

a.       increases in the teen worker population

b.      the aging of the U.S. population

c.       increases in the U.S. divorce rate

d.      increases in U.S. birthrates

(b; moderate; p. 43AACSB: Diversity)


27.  TQM differs from earlier management theories because _______________.

a.       employee layoffs are considered acceptable provided that morale remains stable

b.      high quality and low costs are both seen as important to productivity

c.       reworked production items are handled by special teams assigned to this task

d.      low costs are viewed as the only road to increased productivity

 (b; challenging; p. 48)


28.  A learning organization develops the capability to ______________.

a.       add new training programs even when competitors are going bankrupt

b.      accept the conventional wisdom of the industry

c.       continuously learn, adapt, and change

d.      attract new employees who work well in teams

(c; moderate; p. 46-47)


29.  __________ is the process of developing businesses to pursue trends and changes that no one else has responded to previously.

a.       Entrepreneurship

b.      Division of labor

c.       Evolution

d.      E-commerce

(a; easy; p. 44)

30.  Knowledge management involves encouraging the members of the organization to ________________.

a.       improve the educational level of the average employee

b.      develop new training programs to help new employees learn their jobs

c.       develop a corporate university like Hamburger University at McDonald's

d.      systematically gather information and share it with others

(d; moderate; p. 47)