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Sunday, January 10, 2010

MGT503 Solved MCQ Leadership 1


1.      Persons who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority are termed ______________.

a.       managers

b.      leaders

c.       organizers

d.      visionaries

(b; easy; p. 488)

2.      Leadership is __________________.

a.       the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals

b.      a group that achieves goals

c.       the function of influencing a group towards the achievement of goals

d.      directing a group towards the achievement of goals

(a; difficult; p. 488)




3.      Leadership _____________.

a.       has a requirement of at least five members to be led

b.      is based on management direction

c.       research has shown that it cannot be developed

d.      has only been studied since the early twentieth century

(d; moderate; p. 488)


4.      Early leadership trait research sought _______________.

a.       to clarify the need for leadership traits

b.      and found the traits status of leaders

c.       identification of traits that leaders could use

d.      characteristics that might differentiate leaders from nonleaders

(d; difficult; p. 488)


5.      Trait theory ignores __________.

a.       the interactions of leaders

b.      the characteristics of the group members

c.       the interactions of leaders and their group members as well as situational factors

d.      situational factors in the leadership research

(c; moderate; p. 489)


6.      The University of Iowa studies discussed all of the following leadership styles except ________________.

a.       laissez-faire

b.      democratic

c.       accommodating

d.      autocratic

(c; moderate; p. 490)

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7.      Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation?

  1. cultural style
  2. autocratic style
  3. democratic style
  4. laissez-faire style

(b; moderate; p. 490)


8.      The _______________ style of leadership describes a leader who tends to involve employees in decision making, delegate authority, encourage participation in deciding work methods and goals, and use feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees.

a.       cultural

b.      autocratic

c.       democratic

d.      laissez-faire

(c; moderate; p. 490)


9.      Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it sees fit?

  1. cultural style
  2. autocratic style
  3. democratic style
  4. laissez-faire style

(d; moderate; p. 490)


10.  In the University of Iowa behavioral studies, group members' satisfaction levels were generally __________.

a.       higher under an autocratic leader in the long run

b.      improved when the leader was considerate of the outcomes

c.       maintained when the leader was autocratic on the short run

d.      higher under a democratic leader than under an autocratic one

(d; difficult; p. 491)


11.  According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and the roles of group members in the search for goal attainment?

  1. intelligence structure
  2. psychological structure
  3. initiating structure
  4. consideration structure

(c; easy; p. 491)


12.  According to the Ohio State studies, the dimension of leader behavior that is defined as the extent to which a leader had job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings is called ______________.

  1. initiation
  2. consideration
  3. cultural
  4. physical

(b; moderate; p. 491)


13.  A high-high leader achieved _______________.

a.       high group task performance and satisfaction more frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or both

b.      low group task performance and satisfaction more frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or both

c.       high group task performance and satisfaction more frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or both on the short run

d.      moderator group task performance and satisfaction more frequently than one who rated low on either dimension or both on the long run

(a; moderate; p. 491)


14.  The Ohio State and the University of Michigan studies were _________________.

a.       about the same time, but had different research objectives

b.      at different times, but had similar research objectives

c.       at different times, but had similar research findings

d.      about the same time and had similar research objectives

(d; moderate; p. 492)


15.  The managerial grid uses __________.

a.       a two-dimensional grid for appraising leadership styles

b.      two behavioral dimensions of leadership style

c.       a two-dimensional grid for determining leadership styles

d.      a two-dimensional grid for assessing the dimensions of leadership styles

(d; difficult; p. 492)


16.  Research on leadership made it increasingly clear that predicting leadership success involved _________________.

a.       proper analysis of leader consideration for people and concern for production

b.      hiring managers that could demonstrate and develop trust with workers

c.       something more complex than isolating a few leader traits or preferable behaviors

d.      was more complex than a few leadership styles

(c; difficult; p. 493)




17.  The Fiedler model was based on the premise that a certain leadership style would be _________________.

a.       effective depending on the followers

b.      more effective than concern for production

c.       less effective than the behavioral styles models

d.      most effective in different types of situations

(d; moderate; p. 493)


18.  Fiedler's least-preferred coworker questionnaire seeks to measure what leadership factor?

a.       subordinate needs

b.      leader's style

c.       situation

d.      subordinate coworker influence

(b; moderate; p. 493)


19.  Fiedler assumed a person's leadership style was _______________.

a.       contingent

b.      relative

c.       dimensional

d.      fixed

(d; difficult; p. 494)


20.  Research by Fiedler uncovered three contingency dimensions that define the key __________.

a.       situational factors for determining leader effectiveness

b.      follower factors for determining leader effectiveness

c.       leader behavioral style factors for determining leader effectiveness

d.      situational factors for determining follower effectiveness

(a; difficult; p. 494)


21.  Fiedler's dimension termed ______________ is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates had for their leader.

a.       leader-member relations

b.      power relationship

c.       task structure

d.      authority

(a; easy; p. 494)


22.  Which of the following are two of the three key situational factors Fiedler felt were important in determining leader effectiveness?

a.       leader-member relations and maturity of followers

b.      organizational success and position power

c.       task structure and leader-member relations

d.      maturity of organization and subordinates

(c; moderate; p. 494)


23.  The degree to which the job assignments are formalized and procedurized is the ______________ contingency dimension according to Fiedler.

a.       position power

b.      subordinate maturity

c.       task structure

d.      centralization

(c; moderate; p. 494)


24.  Fiedler's term ______________ refers to the degree of influence a leader has over power-based activities.

a.       leader-member relations

b.      position power

c.       responsibility

d.      task structure

(b; moderate; p. 494)


25.  Reviews of the major studies undertaken to test the overall validity of Fiedler's model have shown __________________.

a.       considerable evidence to refute the model

b.      minor evidence to support the model

c.       minor evidence to refute the model

d.      considerable evidence to support the model

(d; easy; p. 495)


26.  The ______________ theory is a contingency theory that focuses on followers' readiness.

a.       consideration leadership

b.      situational leadership

c.       passive leadership

d.      active leadership

(b; moderate; p. 496)


27.  Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides both directive and supportive behavior?

a.       telling

b.      selling

c.       participating

d.      delegating

(b; moderate; p. 496)


28.  The main role of the leader is to facilitate and communicate in which of the following leadership styles?

a.       telling

b.      selling

c.       participating

d.      delegating

(c; moderate; p. 496; AACSB: Communication)


29.  Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides little direction or support?

a.       telling

b.      selling

c.       participating

d.      delegating

(d; moderate; p. 496)


30.  What leadership model is associated with Vroom and Yetton?

a.       contingency leadership theory

b.      situational leadership theory

c.       path-goal model

d.      leader participation model

(d; easy; p. 497)


31.  Vroom and Yetton's model argues that leader behavior must __________.

a.       reflect the needs of the followers

b.      develop to the appropriate leadership style

c.       adjust to reflect the task structure

d.      depend on the situational variables involved

(c; moderate; p. 497)


32.  Who developed path-goal theory?

a.       Fiedler

b.      Blake and Mouton

c.       Lewin

d.      House

(d; moderate; p. 498)


33.  According to path-goal theory, a leader who lets subordinates know what's expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks is termed _______________.

a.       directive

b.      achievement oriented

c.       participative

d.      supportive

(a; moderate; p. 499)


34.  According to path-goal theory, a leader who is friendly and shows concern for the needs of subordinates is termed _______________.

a.       directive

b.      achievement oriented

c.       participative

d.      supportive

(d; moderate; p. 499)


35.  According to path-goal theory, a manager who consults with subordinates and uses their suggestions exhibits what type of leadership behavior?

a.       directive

b.      achievement oriented

c.       participative

d.      supportive

(c; moderate; p. 499)


36.  A leader who sets challenging goals and expects very high performance levels from subordinates is classified as what type of leader, according to path-goal theory?

a.       supportive

b.      participative

c.       achievement oriented

d.      democratic

(c; moderate; p. 499)


37.  Path-goal theory identifies two classes of situation variables that moderate the leadership-behavior outcome as _________________.

a.       tact and relationship

b.      path and goal

c.       people and history

d.      environment and followers

(d; moderate; p. 499)


38.  Which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables termed "environment"?

a.       task structure and formal authority system

b.      locus of control and experience

c.       perceived ability

d.      employee satisfaction

(a; difficult; p. 499)


39.  Which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables termed "follower"?

a.       locus of control

b.      performance

c.       employee satisfaction

d.      formal authority system

(a; difficult; p. 499)


40.  Which of the following is not one of the hypotheses that have evolved from the path-goal theory?

a.       Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks.

b.      Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant among subordinates with high perceived ability or with considerable experience.

c.       The clearer and more bureaucratic the formal authority relationships, the more leaders should exhibit supportive behavior and deemphasize directive behavior.

d.      Subordinates with an external locus of control will be less satisfied with a directive style.

(d; difficult; pp. 499-500)