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Sunday, January 10, 2010

STA630_Quiz No 3

Research Methods (STA630)

Quiz # 01


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   Fill in the blanks with appropriate words



  1. Two power bases of scientific knowledge are Empiricism and Rationalism


  1. Action research is a type of Applied research



  1. Three types of longitudinal research are time series, panel, and cohort


  1. The research proposal is just like a research report, but it is written before the research project begins.


  1. Natural science concepts are often expressed in symbolic forms.



  Select the most suitable option for the given questions



  1. Discrete variable is also called……….


    1. Categorical variable
    2. Discontinuous variable
    3. Both A & B
    4. None of the above



  1. "Officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment"

Such a hypothesis is an example of……….


A.     Descriptive Hypothesis

B.     Directional Hypothesis

C.     Relational Hypothesis

D.     All of the above


  1. 'Science' refers to……….


A.     A system for producing knowledge

B.     The knowledge produced by a system

C.     Both A & B

D.     None of the above


  1. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method?


    1. Deterministic
    2. Rationalism
    3. Empirical
    4. Abstraction



  1. The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….


A.     Variables

B.     Hypothesis

C.     Concept

D.     Theory

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